School have been failing. When someone wants to prove the current methods are failing or succeeding, they have a choice what they compare it to. If they compare it to what was REALLY being done, sometimes even marginalized children are doing better at home.
Some occupations are laying off workers when the onsite locations are closed. Sometime workers are sabotaging the online options to force a reopening. In our area, one city's library is making online service work and the other has sabotaged it and forced a reopening. More staff stayed employed in the libraries that reopened.
Certain children were being left behind. Those same children are being served even less now, but for all the hours they were caged in run-down buildings, what were they REALLY learning? Is outside those cages REALLY any worse? It was so bad that I am not sure.
I have seen poor mothers with their school age children in tow, teaching them to bargain shop and learning together how to use the library more efficiently. Parents with NOTHING are being given permission for the first time to rear their own children instead of handing them over to "professionals". This is going to empower some families. I saw a boy pushing a younger child in a stroller ahead of his mother, that is learning to bargain shop, as it sounded like they were in their 3rd store of the day, trying to stretch a very small amount of money to include some sugar.
Marginalized children will fall father behind in the race to complete as many AP classes as possible before graduating high school. That is certain. But I am not sure how much of that was real and how much of that was the most effective one-size-fits-all approach.
Yes, the Bible was written in a different time. But it commands us to teach our own children. If we were taught nothing by our parents, we struggle to teach our own children. We have no models. But when we have permission or are forced to do what we were designed to do, we figure it out pretty quickly.
Parents are best equipped to teach their children about their own world, whether it is seal hunting territory or a coconut plantation. Neither seal hunters or coconut pickers are equipped to teach AP Physics, even if they USE physics every day in their line of work.
I'm rambling. It is just ... God had got this under control. He is using this pandemic in all sorts of ways to give people permission to do what he commanded and designed us to do.