Since getting saved four decades ago, I've always known something was
suspect about the idea that Jesus was this all-encompassing nice guy Who
would never hurt a fly, let alone defend Himself against some street bully,
or workplace bully, so forth. I was always taught from the get-go that all
Christian's were not only to follow the "example" of Jesus (turn the other
cheek, do good to those who persecute you, feed your enemy, ad nauseum,)
but Christian's had a duty to become passive and gentle for the Lord's sake.
I remember this conversation back on July 20th, 1974, as plain as the day
it took place:
When I asked one Pastor about this and focused on our rights to protect our
lives and property, he replied: "When you become a Christian, you don't have
those rights!" Then he added: "If you haven't forfeited those rights, then you
need to get on your knees and repent! The Lord will do all your fighting for
you. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord..."
When I asked: "What about our Founding Fathers? When they took up arms
to forge this nation, and that meant taking the lives of British soldiers, weren't
half or more of our Founding Fathers Born Again Christians?"
His reply: "I'm sure many British soldiers were saved too, so what's your point?"
"You just answered my question with a question, so that means you don't have
an answer, do you?"
I never went to him for any advice again.