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Revmitchell said:I am with ya! :thumbs: So long as the Federal government is not part of it.
JustChristian said:Keep in mind, we are not a democracyHTML:But the Federal government is an integral part of our Democracy.
It has in essence become one with a career CongressHTML:What would we have if we didn't have one? A Monarchy? A dictatorship
That is one of the fewHTML:Without a federal government we wouldn't have a military.
things that is allowed by the Constitution.
YES, YES, YES - YOU GET ITHTML:I think what you're saying is we need to reduce the size of the federal government to provide only necessary services.
Medical care is not the responsibility of the (federal) government - States maybeHTML:If we can figure out a way to provide medical care for more Americans
actually you don't -HTML:and unemployment support (which I pay for in my pay check) without federal government support I'm all for it.
Your employer does but I do agree - it is a benefit you EARN - unlike food stamps, Medicaid, ect.
I agreeHTML:At this point in my life I'm simply not willing to give up Social Security and Medicare. I paid into it for 35 years and I expect to get it in my retirement.
If anyone wants to give them up to reduce our national debt of what $11T or $12T that would be great. (Actually including the country's debt for future Social Security and Medicare it's more like $67T.)
I think you can count on it.Debby in Philly said:My concern for right now is his first 5 - 10 days. He will probably issue executive orders on fetal stem cell research and abortion in foriegn aid. :tear:
SALTCITYBAPTIST said:Obama has said he wants free college education - just one more step to socialism
JustChristian said:This question of Republic versus Democracy is an old one. Yes, you're right. We're a Republic rather than a Democracy. Big deal. The difference is we elect representatives to make decisions for us
In theory we elect - but in reality its politics as usual
You said "It has in essence become one." One what? A monarchy or a dictatorship?
Probably more like a dictatorship
So you say that we could have a military without a government?
No, that is not what I said - or at least what I meant. The point being the US Congress is doing too many things not allowed by the Constitution.
You're almost right about employers paying unemployment insurance. In four states, NJ, PA, Ala, and AK, employees paid but I think that's only true in NJ and Alaska today.
Was not aware of that - thanks
But thats part of States or Commonwealths rights!:thumbs:
Socialism is already here. It came with Bush's bailout.
Magnetic Poles said:Public funding of education is not socialism. Public ownership of the means of production, is.
HAHA, not on the baptist board, that's for sureDoes BO actually have a current 83% approval rating?
Does BO actually have a current 83% approval rating?