Fraud is the Only Issue
All of the foregoing points to a 2022 mid-term disaster for the Democrats, a wipeout, an historic “red wave” that may be the biggest in history. Thirty Democrat Congresspeople are not running for re-election, surmising, no doubt, that their chances for victory are close to zero.
With no actual accomplishments to point to, having ruined everything that was running so well for the American people, Democrats are turning to what has become their most effective electoral tool in recent years: Fraud.
They did a magnificent job of perpetrating a total fraud on the country in the 2020 Presidential election. We all know what they did and what they got away with. Late night Democrat vote “discoveries” totaling in the thousands, untraceable interstate trucks delivering thousands of Biden ballots, voting locales reporting over 100% voter turnout, 19 of 20 bellwether counties being won by President Trump, Republicans not being allowed to monitor the vote counting process, state voting rules being changed in direct contravention to state law, and on and on. And this point needs to be re-emphasized: Just because the liberal media refuses to acknowledge these facts, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
The big question is what have the Republicans done to ensure that this degree of election-stealing fraud doesn’t happen again?
...essentially nothing...the really major drivers of Democrat vote fraud still appear to be in place...
Time is running out for Republicans to clean up the fraud mess to the point that the mid-terms will be acceptably accurate, with only a small, absorbable amount of fraud. There always will be some Democrat fraud. There are too many structural issues intrinsic to the election process for there not to be some Democrat fraud. But outside of a few good-sounding, suitably outraged public statements by a few high-ranking Republicans, nothing much of a tangible, concrete nature appears to have been done to stop the Democrats from stealing yet another election.
If the Democrats pull this one off (even if that just means reducing the expected loss of Congressional seats from the 45-65 range down to the 10-25 seat range), then the days of this country having reliable constitutional, voter-determined elections are over. For good.
With no actual accomplishments to point to, having ruined everything that was running so well for the American people, Democrats are turning to what has become their most effective electoral tool in recent years: Fraud.
They did a magnificent job of perpetrating a total fraud on the country in the 2020 Presidential election. We all know what they did and what they got away with. Late night Democrat vote “discoveries” totaling in the thousands, untraceable interstate trucks delivering thousands of Biden ballots, voting locales reporting over 100% voter turnout, 19 of 20 bellwether counties being won by President Trump, Republicans not being allowed to monitor the vote counting process, state voting rules being changed in direct contravention to state law, and on and on. And this point needs to be re-emphasized: Just because the liberal media refuses to acknowledge these facts, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
The big question is what have the Republicans done to ensure that this degree of election-stealing fraud doesn’t happen again?
...essentially nothing...the really major drivers of Democrat vote fraud still appear to be in place...
Time is running out for Republicans to clean up the fraud mess to the point that the mid-terms will be acceptably accurate, with only a small, absorbable amount of fraud. There always will be some Democrat fraud. There are too many structural issues intrinsic to the election process for there not to be some Democrat fraud. But outside of a few good-sounding, suitably outraged public statements by a few high-ranking Republicans, nothing much of a tangible, concrete nature appears to have been done to stop the Democrats from stealing yet another election.
If the Democrats pull this one off (even if that just means reducing the expected loss of Congressional seats from the 45-65 range down to the 10-25 seat range), then the days of this country having reliable constitutional, voter-determined elections are over. For good.