Well, I am simply amazed at the incredible amount of racism I saw recorded in this forum.
This board was not racist until Zaac showed up and began calling everyone names and posting provocative and inflammatory posts that are in fact race baiting!
Claiming Zaac is black because you "know the way he talks"? I am amazed.
I know you are new here, so I'll just say this. He has admitted he is black. No one that I know has accused him of being black by his manner of speech! Although his manner of speech is subject to and offensive to the rest of us. Stick around and you may see why people on this board speak as they do when it comes to him! :flower:
If we are to be loving Christians, we must ask that a symbol which terrifies millions of people be removed. Period. This doesn't mean that next, they're coming for your US flags or something. You all know that is just a slippery slope fallacy. Stop defending your 'history' and start defending the downtrodden people, like Jesus said to do.
In your mind and heart of hearts, maybe this is true, but just like you, there are people on the other side in this issue, that see it way differently, so please stop trying to equate or make this a Biblical issue. Your views can be viewed or construed as being unbiblical too, as much as the views of those who support and like the flag!
This is a cultural thing, not a biblical one!
IN my way of seeing things, the black people are not as downtrodden as the Native Americans, who were kicked off their hunting grounds, and forced to live on reservations! If you want to discuss a more recent group of "downtrodden" folks, how about all the Jews who were nearly wiped off the face of this earth, and still face much hatred and the prospect of being wiped off the face of the earth by the radical Muslims in our world!
How about women and girls around this world. They are still viewed as second class, subservient citizens to males in most cultures around are world. They are bought and sold daily. Where is your concern for them?
The world has a long way to go when it comes to treating people at humans, and it doesn't start and stop with the black skinned folks!
There are always two sides to the coin, and the blacks are not the only "downtrodden" folks in America or around this world! You are seeing things in black and white (which makes you rather colorblind, and not as perfect as you'd like to think), and not in the eyes of the colors of all races and cultures!
Grow up ... and stop with the pity party for blacks! They aren't the first and they won't be the last to be treated wrong at some time in history! As I said .... the human race is a work in progress. We have come a long way, but we aren't there yet!
