Well-Known Member
The eternal Triune God was perfectly happy and content before creation. This is due to the fact that He is perfectly, infinitely complete within Himself, having no need for anything or anyone to add to His perfection or improve it. He has never and will never lack any good thing.
Yet, the Father purposefully willed to create. We human creatures were purposefully brought forth, by His will, into existence to live in His creation. Sadly, much of the angelic creation believed lies, choosing to follow their fallen leader, Satan.
Though God’s first humans were created perfectly righteous, though not immortal or immutable, their faithfulness and obedience was put to the test. To that purpose God gave Satan the task of tempting them to sin. Had they passed the test, they, and all their descendants, would have lived happily ever after, forever. But they failed the test, resulting in immediate spiritual death. Physical death would follow thereafter.
From this we learn several important truths:
!. We all are descendants of Adam and Eve.
2. We all inherited the curses of Adam and Eve.
3. By virtue of our fallen human nature, which we inherited from Adam and Eve, we are inclined to believe Satan’s lies over God’s truth. We are all born into Satan’s corrupt family.
4. Adam and Eve had free will, yet chose evil.
5. Free will alone is not sufficient to overcome evil.
6. Free will alone is not sufficient to believe and obey the truth of God.
7. The testing of the human race is over. The results are in; no further research is necessary. All men are doomed to eternal death if left to their own devices.
God foreknew the result of man’s testing. God foreknows all that He decrees will come to pass. From out of the evil of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, God purposed to bring an unimaginable blessing of grace, forgiveness and salvation to much of the fallen corrupt descendants of Adam and Eve.
The seed of the woman would overcome the enmity of the seed of the serpent, thereby saving her progeny from destruction.
That seed is Jesus Christ. His seed are all they who have the faith of Abraham.
Since the will of man proved worthless in choosing truth over lies, God over Satan, God’s infinite beneficence granted certain men of His choosing, throughout the ages, according to the good pleasure of His free will, the saving grace to believe the truth of God. God the Father elected them before they were born. They did not elect God.
To this end, God the Son purposed to give His life in the stead of elected sinners. For them He made atonement. In turn, the Holy Spirit purposed to efficaciously apply all gifts necessary for the elect to attain salvation unto glorification, even the believing of the person and work of Christ. These gifts were all purchased by Christ's shed blood.
The gift of saving faith justified both Gentiles and Jews, who were once dead in sins and trespasses, the enemies of the true God and His Christ.
It pleased the all-wise, righteous and just God to give saving grace to many who do not deserve it, nor could ever merit it.
It also pleased Him to deny it to the many unbelievers who do not deserve nor want it in the first place.
By so doing, He remains just and righteous.
To the elect He displays His grace, goodness and mercy.
To the non-elect He displays His righteous justice and wrath which they rightfully deserve and merit.
One need only read the threads on this Baptist Board to discern the enmity which consumes the debates. A few quotes from one member in particular will suffice: “You [Calvinists] have religion but you do not have the truth….. You have everything wrong. If you would humble yourself and be taught the truth, you could get some help. This is true of all the Calvinists….. Calvinism is not based on belief of the words of the Scriptures. It is based on made up words and ideas that contradict the scriptures on every subject……I think Calvinism is not true in any of it's doctrines. That does not mean I think you or any of these other Calvinists are bad people. You guys are probably nice people who it would be pleasant to hang out with and maybe go play golf with, but you are deceived by this false religious system.”
Such are the words of a contrite, humble Christian man overflowing with the humility and meekness one would expect from a saint of the Most High God.
Yet, the Father purposefully willed to create. We human creatures were purposefully brought forth, by His will, into existence to live in His creation. Sadly, much of the angelic creation believed lies, choosing to follow their fallen leader, Satan.
Though God’s first humans were created perfectly righteous, though not immortal or immutable, their faithfulness and obedience was put to the test. To that purpose God gave Satan the task of tempting them to sin. Had they passed the test, they, and all their descendants, would have lived happily ever after, forever. But they failed the test, resulting in immediate spiritual death. Physical death would follow thereafter.
From this we learn several important truths:
!. We all are descendants of Adam and Eve.
2. We all inherited the curses of Adam and Eve.
3. By virtue of our fallen human nature, which we inherited from Adam and Eve, we are inclined to believe Satan’s lies over God’s truth. We are all born into Satan’s corrupt family.
4. Adam and Eve had free will, yet chose evil.
5. Free will alone is not sufficient to overcome evil.
6. Free will alone is not sufficient to believe and obey the truth of God.
7. The testing of the human race is over. The results are in; no further research is necessary. All men are doomed to eternal death if left to their own devices.
God foreknew the result of man’s testing. God foreknows all that He decrees will come to pass. From out of the evil of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, God purposed to bring an unimaginable blessing of grace, forgiveness and salvation to much of the fallen corrupt descendants of Adam and Eve.
The seed of the woman would overcome the enmity of the seed of the serpent, thereby saving her progeny from destruction.
That seed is Jesus Christ. His seed are all they who have the faith of Abraham.
Since the will of man proved worthless in choosing truth over lies, God over Satan, God’s infinite beneficence granted certain men of His choosing, throughout the ages, according to the good pleasure of His free will, the saving grace to believe the truth of God. God the Father elected them before they were born. They did not elect God.
To this end, God the Son purposed to give His life in the stead of elected sinners. For them He made atonement. In turn, the Holy Spirit purposed to efficaciously apply all gifts necessary for the elect to attain salvation unto glorification, even the believing of the person and work of Christ. These gifts were all purchased by Christ's shed blood.
The gift of saving faith justified both Gentiles and Jews, who were once dead in sins and trespasses, the enemies of the true God and His Christ.
It pleased the all-wise, righteous and just God to give saving grace to many who do not deserve it, nor could ever merit it.
It also pleased Him to deny it to the many unbelievers who do not deserve nor want it in the first place.
By so doing, He remains just and righteous.
To the elect He displays His grace, goodness and mercy.
To the non-elect He displays His righteous justice and wrath which they rightfully deserve and merit.
One need only read the threads on this Baptist Board to discern the enmity which consumes the debates. A few quotes from one member in particular will suffice: “You [Calvinists] have religion but you do not have the truth….. You have everything wrong. If you would humble yourself and be taught the truth, you could get some help. This is true of all the Calvinists….. Calvinism is not based on belief of the words of the Scriptures. It is based on made up words and ideas that contradict the scriptures on every subject……I think Calvinism is not true in any of it's doctrines. That does not mean I think you or any of these other Calvinists are bad people. You guys are probably nice people who it would be pleasant to hang out with and maybe go play golf with, but you are deceived by this false religious system.”
Such are the words of a contrite, humble Christian man overflowing with the humility and meekness one would expect from a saint of the Most High God.