Bro HAMel said
"]I find it interesting how some folks try to limit our Lord. To box Him in. Consider the following:
"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." (John 21:25)
...the world itself could not contain the books...??? Oh my..., how can this be? We have the Bible and it says that men are saved through the foolishness of preaching..., so that nails the lid down! According to that our Lord cannot save anyone He so desires unless they hear the message from a Preacher?
No thank you. My God is bigger than yours and I just can't find it in my to box Him in. To limit Him.
I mean, if there isn't enough room in the world to "contain all the books that should be written", perhaps..., just perhaps, a long shot if you will..., but just perhaps our Lord did not include all of His majesty within the Bible. Could He have left the door open for greater things for lesser people
In John 15:15, Christ tell his disciples"...ALL THINGS (concerning the new covenant) I have heard of my Father, I HAVE MADE KNOWN unto you (the church, the kingdom of God). The repeated command of the Father to the prophets was to declare unto Israel to "Hear the words of this covenant and do them." (Jer 11:6) Likewise, Christ, as THAT prophet, is declaring the new covenant, ordinances, sayings, words, commandments. He tells them in John 14, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Eze 11:20 says, "That they may walk in my statutes and keep mine ordinances and do them, and they shall be my people and I will be their God." How can His people keep his commandments (covenant) and do them if they have not been told? How can the church keep its commission (the charge, the will- Ezra 1:2, Mt 16:18) if it has not been told what it is? Therefore the all things (His ways) revealed/ made known to the church is complete in the scriptures and has no need for other additions or books in order to be understood by his people. All things means He has not left out ANYTHING concerning the pattern of the body of Christ, the church, described in the new covenant, How can we be conformed to and build according to his express image, if we do not know what it is? How can judgment and justice be done Gen 18:19) if ALL the words of the covenant (Exo 24:8, Jn 5:20) are not made know to His servants. Exodus 25:9 says, "According to ALL (things) that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, the pattern of ALL the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it." Since He shewed Moses ALL the pattern of the tabernacIe, it was necessary that Christ shew his disciples All the pattern of the true temple of God, the body of Christ, the church because a greater than Moses is come. I in no way disagree with your posting John 21:25. I do know if all thing that Christ did/spoke were written, they would still be after the same pattern/blueprint. The covenant was not just for those during the time of Christ but for His seedline/generation to follow (Gen 18:19), therefore it is necessary that the church today be given the same ALL THINGS/blueprint/covenant/teachings of the gospel/kingdom of God that we might know how to edify the body of Christ (Eph 4:16)
It is not limiting the Father in declaring those things in which He has intimately revealed himself/ His majesty/glory that HE IS/I AM to his people. How can his glory be declared if we do not know His mighty works? (Mt 16:18, I Cor 12:18, Isa 45:11) To Him be glory/majesty IN THE CHURCH by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." Eph 3:21.