Washer makes some very good points in the video. As
@evangelist6589 points out, we can’t look to our spouses to be perfect and sinless. And as Paul Washer points out, “how would we ever learn unconditional love if you were married to someone who met all the conditions?”
Here Washer says something that every Christian should hear – “The main purpose of marriage is that through your marriage you become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ”. When our spouses fail to meet our expectations (and they will, just as we will fail to meet theirs) we must remember that we are in an unbreakable and unconditional bond as husbands are called to love their wives just as Christ loved the Church – unconditionally.
If you are married then your marriage (how you love your wife) is a direct reflection of your walk with Christ. Either we love unconditionally as Christ loves the Church or we love conditionally based on our own desires as we walk in darkness. I am afraid the worldly idea of marriage has and is creeping into our churches (and members simply look the other way). But the OP is on target. The Christian must live a life fearing the consequences of sin (for God will judge impartially our deeds).
Aside from the Bible, "Mortification of Sin" by John Owen is probably my favorite on this topic.