Antichrist is a Vice Christ
“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”
From this end-times prophecy we learn several important truths:
1. A lineage of men [many] will claim to be Christians, but they are not Christians.
2. They will claim to represent Christ, but they are not His representatives.
3. They will claim power and authority given them by Christ, but no such power or authority was given.
4. They will claim an orthodox belief in the God-man Jesus Christ and by this false profession gain many adherents.
5. Their ability to deceive will be extraordinary, which is why the Lord tells his disciples – and all future disciples -- to ‘take heed.’
6. These false Christians will deceive many.
Jesus is laying the foundation for our understanding of Antichrist.
He will not be a Jew, Muslim, Buddhist or Atheist.
No mystery there. All are openly against Christ.
He will be a professing Christian.
Now we have a mystery.
Antichrist will not openly oppose Christ.
He will do it with great subtlety and deception.
He will not be limited to one man in history, but will be one of many.
The Greek prefix ‘anti’ has several subtle connotations.
Most Christians acknowledge it signifies being openly ‘against’ someone or something.
Abolitionists were openly ‘against’ slavery. They were openly ‘anti’-slavery.
Southern slaveholders openly claimed to be Christians.
They built many churches.
They memorized and quoted Scripture.
They were a religious people.
Yet their slave labor practice belied their Christian profession.
It is one thing to speak Christ’s words. It is another to do them.
The spiritual warfare in which Christians are engaged has similar application.
Although Antichrist will make public profession of his orthodox Christianity with an outward show of piety, he will deny Christ both by his teachings and practices.
As did the Southern slaveholders.
Antichrist is a Vice Christ
The Vice President of the United States represents the President when going on diplomatic missions, attending government functions, etc., in his stead.
In the same way a Vice Christ represents Christ and comes in His stead.
The Vice Christ will be Christ’s deputy – His alleged representative who allegedly has authority to rule in His name.
A biblical instance of ruling in another’s name is seen in Acts 12:18:
When Gallio was proconsul….. (NIV)
When Gallio was deputy…… (KJV)
In this usage Thayer defines the Greek prefix ‘anti’ as ‘in lieu of, ‘in stead of’….i.e., in place of.
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
ἀνθυπατεύω; (ἀντί for i.e. in lieu or stead of anyone, and ὑπατεύω to be ὕπατος, to be supreme, to be consul); to be proconsul: Acts 18:12
STRONGS NT 445: ἀνθυπατεύω
“Act as deputy or proconsul.”
What is a Proconsul?
“In the Roman Republic a promagistrate (like a propraetor) designated someone who served with the authority and capacity of a magistrate without holding the office…. The greatest of these placeholder offices was a proconsul, who acted in place of a consul, itself the highest office in the republic.” (Wikipedia: Proconsul)
What is a Deputy?
“One appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him, in his name or his behalf;” (Wiktionary: Deputy)
Is the Pope Christ’s Deputy?
Many Christians are aware of the Pope’s title, Vicar of Christ.
What is the meaning of Vicar of Christ?
“(Latin Vicarius Christi). A title of the pope implying his supreme and universal primacy, both of honour and of jurisdiction, over the Church of Christ. It is founded on the words of the Divine Shepherd to St. Peter: "Feed my lambs. . . . Feed my sheep" (John 21:16-17), by which He constituted the Prince of the Apostles guardian of His entire flock in His own place, thus making him His Vicar and fulfilling the promise made in Matthew 16:18-19.” (Catholic Encyclopedia Online: Vicar of Christ)
The Pope rules over the universal Christian Church because Peter was designated the first Pope by Christ. The Pope is the Apostolic descendent of Peter. So say the RC Magisterium.
But Christ and His Word say otherwise.
What does the Latin noun ‘vicarius’ mean?
"1. a substitute, deputy, proxy, a locum tenens, vicegerent, vicar." (
Conclusion: The Pope claims to be Christ’s Deputy, a Vice Christ.
He claims to come in Christ's name and in His authority to rule over His Church.
However, the Papacy is an unbiblical invented office of liars, thieves and murderers.
Therefore, the Pope is Antichrist.