Whether you believe him or no is immaterial. He claims to be doing this work in the name of Christ, and I for one, would be extremely careful of mocking those I disagreed with.
To disagree and challenge is fine and desirable, but to mock - ?!?!
Christ may "chastise" you for not challenging something you feel to be "extra biblical or heretical" but I strongly doubt that you'll get even one(1) "ATTABOY" for mocking same.
Can you give any scripture to discredit these experiences? If so, please do.
I'm with J-of-J, in that I fully believe that there are many episodes of MIRACLES (Christian) as well as activities of demonic origin in less "civilized/prosperous" countries simply because some time back it became too "odd" to REALLY believe such "impossible" events.
And of course we modern Christians certainly don't want to look like we are just depending on "our Bibles and guns", do we???