There you go again, just give them money and stuff.
I was being facetious ya know.
A lot of what he could have done boils done to leadership rhetoric. First, I think Obama should have went to the poor black communities, and white for that matter, over and over giving leadership speeches on individual responsibility for ones actions.
There you go again just expecting politicians to change folks. That's just dumb. That's like going to a hungry man on the street and saying I'll feed you after you get a job. Leadership speeches aren't gonna change anybody's life. Have you gone to those communities to help and share the Gospel? Give em Jesus and a desire to obey Him.
Its hard to tell folks what to do when they don't see you doing it.
He could have provided education avenues on the importance of marriage and having a father and mother raising our children in the home.
Have you done that? Has it been exampled by folks in the church? He would also have to explain to them why so many of them are targeted and jailed and taken out of their homes.
Instead we seen Obama lift up racism and causing more division among the poor black communities and law enforcement.
Man white folks need to stop with that foolishness. That man hasn't caused any division between poor black communities and law enforcement. Law enforcement murdering unarmed black men did that all by themselves.
Amazing that he can say a kid could have been his son and white folks rage that he's causing a racial split. But the same folks don't think police officers murdering unarmed black men has anything to do with the schism.
Stop regurgitating what you hear on Fox News. Guess yall think the more you repeat that lie the more folks are gonna think it truthful.
Over and over Obama condemned the just and praised the criminal.
What just?The murdering police officers? The only reason they are just is because a rigged system of prosecutors and judges refuse to prosecute them.
Just, my fat toe.