A Rabbi who accepted Jesus as his Messiah tells this:
My high school teacher used to say that if we do not learn from history we are bound to repeat it. Nothing could be more accurate when describing what is taking place in Yisrael today. History is repeating itself. What Yirmeyahu warned bnei Yisrael about thousands of years ago, concerning the wicked Babylonians, is repeating itself with her present day enemies! Yeshua spoke well of bnei Yisrael when He described their hard hearts as follows:
Luke{16:31} And he said unto him, If they hear not Moshe and the neviim (prophets), neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead
My high school teacher used to say that if we do not learn from history we are bound to repeat it. Nothing could be more accurate when describing what is taking place in Yisrael today. History is repeating itself. What Yirmeyahu warned bnei Yisrael about thousands of years ago, concerning the wicked Babylonians, is repeating itself with her present day enemies! Yeshua spoke well of bnei Yisrael when He described their hard hearts as follows:
Luke{16:31} And he said unto him, If they hear not Moshe and the neviim (prophets), neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead