Yes, I know about Mr. David Barton, and I did some research on this man. Did you know he received a "Bacholor of Arts Degree in Religious Education" from the Apostate and Masonic influenced Oral Roberts University? Did you also know he was praised by the likes of the Masonic controlled 700 Club Pat Robertson, TBN networt another hyper-faith organization with Masonic ties, also he appeared on "Kenneth Copeland's "Believer's Voice of Victory" program, ALL "charismatic influenced organizations, ALL heretic's.
He also has ties with the Apostate Calvary Chapel organization, and he is very chummy with Glen Beck, who is a Latter Day Saint's Mormon believer, which was founded by Joseph Smith, who was a Mason. Also he is a supporter of the Ecumencial movement.
So should we trust a man, who is surrounded by such Masonic influenced ministries? I do not think so, the Lord's Word instructs us NOT to trust anyone who does NOT present or support the One True Doctrine as established by the Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles!
David Barton does not stand for the truth, he is supporting the Masonic agenda's, he is also supporting the Masonic Protocol's, by NOT providing All the truth of what those men truly stood for. You can find all this info here:
David Barton (author) - Wikipedia
The Lord bless you.