Again, I do not jump out of the context to define a text when there is more than ample and sufficient contextual data in the immediate context to define it precisely according to this context.
For example, those in verse 36 also saw and heard Christ as they were standing right their but did not believe. However, "OF ALL" the Father gives NONE fail to come to Christ in faith (vv. 37-39). Hence, they were not "OF ALL" those given to Christ by the Father. Again coming is the consequence of being given not vice versa.
Nonsense that "OF ALL" the Father gives "NONE fail to come". The Father CLEARLY gave Judas to Christ. Jesus said plain as day in John 17 ALL THAT YOU HAVE
GIVEN TO ME I have lost none BUT the son of perdition" John 17:12. No matter how you twist it, skew it, dance around it, the text is clear as the stars on a cloudless night that the Father GAVE Judas to Christ and Judas DID NOT COME. Thus there is a clear difference being those drawn and those who come. You can ignore that issue and make excuses for it "But Judas was the SON OF PERDITION" but it makes no difference. You have built a definition of "draw" and "given" that is clearly and blatantly contradictory to the testimony of Judas.
Judas was drawn, he was GIVEN to Christ by the Father, and he DID NOT COME. NOWHERE does John 6 say coming is the CONSEQUENCE, it is the CONDITION which is clearly indicated in the
AND, he that
shall come I will in no wise cast out.
The abuse of this text is a travesty and a clear violation of basic hermeneutics.
1. The word "man" is not found in the Greek text and it is italic in the KJV
2. The immediate preceding context that leads up to these words are completely ignored - Gentiles wanting to see Christ.
3. The anathrous construction of "pas" (all) commonly is used to mean "all" classes and kinds or all without distinction of race or class.
4. Trying to use this LATER statement to reinterpret the more comprehensive teaching on the same subject in John 6 instead of interpreting Jn 12:32 by the previous comprehensive explanation of John 6.
1. The abuse of text that is a travesty is you failing to follow the common sense rules of translation where an OBJECT MUST BE PROVIDED. Your analysis that "man" is not "in the Greek" would still not help your argument, it only changes the AUDIENCE to cats, dogs, elephants, snakes, and trees because the literal translation would be "If I be lifted up, I WILL DRAW ALL TO MYSELF". Draw "ALL" of what??? Virtually the ONLY person or version that does not add the pronoun "men" here is Darby, EVERY TRANSLATION disagrees with your analysis, and even Darby's version does not resolve the object because it does not distinguish all of what?
Πάντας here is masculine accusative plural of the adjective " πᾶς-πᾶσα-πᾶν" = all, the whole, EVERY. "Anthropos" being a masucline noun (the one that's not "in the Greek") is perfectly acceptable as it is related to pas. Your failure to see this disagrees with EVERY major Greek scholar that has translated (and even MIStranslated) this verse.
2. Gentiles WANTING to see Christ BEFORE THEY ARE DRAWN specifically refutes your view of "effectual call". Gentiles according to Calvinism (your views) are not supposed to WANT anything from God, as you say, they "CAN'T BE" desirous of God, and yet here you admit that Gentiles want something that they have
not yet been DRAWN TO WANT.
3. The anathrous construction does not demand that simply because a clause is without an article, that it redefines that mean of pas. You have a bad habit of attempting to use grammatical construction to REDEFINE WORDS. Grammatical structure does not turn apples into oranges. Pas, Pantas, does not mean "ALL KINDS".
First of all, this would still include "non elect" because non elect is STILL A KIND. By changing the definition from ALL to ALL KINDS you can not make a distinction between elect and non elect because BOTH are still a KIND. There is NOTHING in the definition of this word that says it is all KINDS. The literal definition of the word is "each", "every", "any", "all", "the whole". When the text requires that "kind" be added, it uses "genos" or "tis" to denote either
specific groups or number. That is not used here. The natural and general use of all here MEANS ALL, not all KINDS. All "KINDS" is an ADDED meaning that presupposes the text.
4. Ironically, you accuse others of not interpreting by context, and then criticize Jovert BECAUSE HE USES CONTEXT. You pick and choose when you want to isolate a verse, and then when you want to argue context when you use BOTH to support only a presupposition instead of rightly dividing the word of truth.
No, coming is the subect of John 6:37-39 that is consequential to the Father giving and "OF ALL" the Father gives none fail to come or fail to be raised up. Hence - coming to Christ must be coming in faith as none but those who come in faith will be raised up. Therefore, since that is already plainly defined in verses 36-39 then "come to me" in verse 44 also is consequential to the same giving in verses 37-39 as none fail to come and none that come fail to be raised up. So in both cases it is the Father's work that is causal to coming whether in John 6:37-39 or in John 6:44.
Have you ever read what God said about Israel in Jeremiah 31:3?
"The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have
I drawn thee."
But what happened to Israel? " And I will cast you out of my sight, as I have cast out all your brethren, even the whole seed of Ephraim" Jer 7:15, "Then said the Lord unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth." Jer 15:1; "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!" Matthew 23:37
God had DRAWN Israel, and they WOULD NOT.
I have proven that your whole line of logic begins in the wrong place (v. 40) instead of verse 39 where is really the first place the phrase to raise up this 'him" is first found and its cause is explicitly defined to coming to Christ in faith (as none other can be raised up to life) which in turn finds the cause of coming with the Father giving them to the Son and "OF ALL" given none fail to come. This demands effectually calling
It doesn't matter whether this begins at verse 39, or verse 40. Verse 39 does not contradict verse 40, neither does it redefine it to mean that those who believe, do so BECAUSE OF verse 39. Verse 40 DEFINES verse 39 because it states "AND THIS IS the will of him that sent me". Those who come to Christ and believe are the ones who are saved. I have shown plain as day from Jeremiah that God DREW MEN and they did not COME. I have shown that God GAVE JUDAS to Christ and Judas DID NOT COME. Yet you focus on one theme that ignores the responsibility to OBEY the gospel (2 Thess 1:8, Acts 26:19, Romans 2:8, 1 Peter 4:17).
Furthermore, Song of Solomon 1:4 clearly shows that one can ASK to be drawn. Your entire analysis from start to finish, in English and Greek is dead wrong.