Report: Antifa Made up of ‘Privileged White Dudes’
"Antifa bullies cover their faces partly to conceal the mostly white constituency of the organization, which has its roots in the far left of the English punk scene in the 1980s, a new report asserts.
“But when members of Antifa are arrested, the masks come off. And, as recent mugshots of Portland Antifa members show, these people are about as diverse as the Washington Generals,” writes David Marcus in a July 1
article in the
the mainstream media tend to treat Antifa as an ethnically diverse group of warriors against fascism and racism, this is an “absolute fabrication,” Marcus notes.
“Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Antifa has seen videos of their violent antics and can see for himself or herself that
almost all of them are white dudes. Anyone who has ever been in their presence knows this too,” he said.
The media’s intentional omission of the race factor in the case of Antifa “betrays a double standard that many in our media use regarding violent white activists,” Marcus affirms. “On the right, their whiteness is front and center; part of the toxic brew that stews their hate.”
On the left, however, race seems not to matter to the media, and Antifa is a case in point. Yet race actually does come into play here, and
Antifa is a quintessentially white leftist group.
“Antifa’s goals are not those of most non-white Americans,” Marcus points out.
“Most non-white Americans don’t want to destroy the systems of government, abolish the police, end capitalism, or cripple corporations.”
“The group is absolutely trying to impose a style of anarchy that is steeped in (and almost unique to) whiteness,” he writes.
The truth concealed behind the masks is essential in the case of Antifa, precisely because of the contrived image of diversity they endeavor to project.
“When cowards wear masks to engage in violence, we must remove the masks to see who we are actually dealing with—not the fairy tale of diversity version,” Marcus states.
“Don’t believe the progressive narrative: Antifa is mostly a bunch of privileged white dudes,” he concludes.