An irreconcilable split occured back in the day, between Missionary Baptists and Hyper-Calvinists.
There were several points of doctrine at issue.
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Why the Split Among Baptists in 1832?
Both of you have questions regarding sentimentality toward various scenarios not specially addressed in the scriptures.
He didn't eternally love them too?
There is no limit to Gods Mercy, Love, Grace.
Is the God that I worship that callous?..
These three comments entirely exclude God's Justice and hatred for sin.
The middle one is, in fact, a different religion from the God of the Bible, etc.
God gives Mercy to whom He will have Mercy. You know that.
It's a philosophy that 'sounds good', doesn't it?
Maybe you don't see people as having sin(?) or God as hating sin(?).
My sin nailed His Son to the cross.
God hates sin.
Having the Bible as the first rule in faith and practice doesn't allow me to form Doctrines based on reason, speculation, or emotions.
Particularly, if those Doctrines are in direct opposition to clear Revelation.
You will disagree,...probably.
This stuff has been noted for a while.
Hyper-Calvinism was one of three errors which were attacking the Missionary position, then.
There are myriad more, today.
This is from:
The Spencer Journal
A publication of the J.H. Spencer Historical Society
Vol. 4 September 2012
"Circular Letters were written and distributed each year to the Baptist churches that were associated in particular areas of the nation. This practice began in England in the 17th century and continued in America until the late 19th century.
"The Northbend Association was in the northern-most section of Kentucky. Hyper-Calvinism (doctrines emphasizing the sovereignty of God , but not addressing the gospel to lost sinners) had caused a division in this and an adjacent association in 1840.
"Alexander Campbell's "Reformation" doctrines had entered the area in the 1830s.
"A Universalist congregation (denying the sinfulness of mankind and eternal judgment) was established in a major Boone County town in the 1840s.
"This circular deals with these three issues: Hyper-Calvinism, Campbellism and Universalism, with warnings to the Baptist churches to be aware of their doctrinal errors.
Northbend Association of Baptists (KY)
Circular Letter 1846
by James A. Kirtley, Pastor
Bullittsburg Baptist Church
"What is Truth?"
"What is truth?" was a question propounded. The answer is readily supplied, "Thy word is truth." But error is the perversion of truth, and in this perversion it assumes different forms; hence the various systems of error. They are numerous, arrogant in their assumptions, fanatical in their extremes, and corrupt in their influence. Their blind votaries inflated with ignorant zeal and self-complacent bigotry, denouncing all who wisely and religiously differ, attribute to themselves the standard of primitive truth, and the pristine purity of the church. Ultraism is their prominent feature, they overleap the bounds of truth, and run in to dangerous extremes. Their tendency, moreover, is that of discord and corruption; an unholy influence is poured forth, like turbid waters from a foul fountain.
"But christianity which the word of truth reveals is not only pure and elevated in doctrine, but lovely in practice and holy in example. It is humble, peaceful, savory, enlightening, giving God the glory, and seeking the salvation of immortal souls. With such as our scriptural landmarks, we can but regard that system erroneous which burdens all things pertaining to the christian character and practice with irreconcilable decrees. Which deals more in eternal purposes than present evidences, or future realizations. - Which has for its principle and central tenet, that the present and ultimate state of man, 'ere he had a being, was eternally fixed by an immovable decree.
"Associated with this, is the wanton rejection of the divine command of Jesus, to preach the Gospel to every creature. The evident tendency of such, is, to stifle the vital principles of Christianity, while it virtually justifies the unhallowed practices, of worldly minded professors. Morbidness and insensibility are legitimate consequences, and all activity and energy is prostrated, save that carnal propensity, which tends to strifes, animosities, and dissensions. The inconsiderate advocates of such a system, "are wise to do evil, but to do good, they have no knowledge." - Jeremiah 4.22...."
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Why the Split Among Baptists in 1832?