Since the other poster referenced the second century, here is a Christian from the second century who lived from 185 A.D. to roughly 254 A.D....
But he ought to know that
those who wish to live according to the teaching of Sacred Scripture understand the saying,
'The knowledge of the unwise is as talk without sense,' [Sirach 21:18] and have learnt 'to be ready always to give an answer to everyone that asketh us a reason for the hope that is in us.’ [1 Pt 3:15] " Origen,
Against Celsus, 7:12, in ANF, IV:615
[A]s is written in the book of Tobit: 'It is good to keep close the secret of a king, but honourable to reveal the works of God,' [Tobit 12:7]--in a way consistent with truth and God's glory, and so as to be to the advantage of the multitude." Origen, Against Celsus, 5:19, in ANF,IV:551.
But that
we may believe on the authority of holy Scripture that such is the case, hear how in the book of Maccabees, where the mother of seven martyrs exhorts her son to endure torture, this truth is confirmed; for she says,
' ask of thee, my son, to look at the heaven and the earth, and at all things which are in them, and beholding these, to know that God made all these things when they did not exist.' [2 Maccabees 7:28]" Origen,
Fundamental Principles, 2:2,in ANF, IV:270
that which is written about wisdom, you may apply also to faith, and to the virtues specifically, so as to make a precept of this kind, "If any one be perfect in wisdom among the sons of men, and the power that comes from Thee be wanting, he will be reckoned as nothing " or
"If any one be perfect in self-control, so far as is possible for the sons of men, and the control that is from Thee be wanting, he will be reckoned as nothing; (Wisdom 9:6) Origen,
Commentary on Matthew, 4, in ANF, IX:427.
And as a general principle observe the expression "behind"; because it is a good thing when any one goes behind the Lord God and is behind the Christ; but it is the opposite when any one casts the words of God behind him, or when he
transgresses the commandment which says
"Do not walk behind thy lusts." (Sirach 18:30) And Elijah also in the third Book of Kings, says to the people "How long halt ye on both your knees? If God is the Lord, go behind Him, but if Baal is the Lord, go behind him." (
1 Kings 18:21) Origen,
Commentary on Matthew 23 Origen, 22, in ANF, IX:463 AD 254
Let me know if you want more.
That is not true. The Canon was affirmed multiple times throughout Christian history prior to 1500. For example, in Rome (382 A.D.), Carthage (397 A.D.), Pope Innocent (405 A.D.), Decree of Gelasius (550 A.D.), Council of Florence (1441 A.D.)
The canon affirmed throughout Christian history contained 73 books, never 66 books.
The Deuterocanoncials contradicts the teachings of Jesus? Are you aware Jesus quotes from them? Furthermore, modern rabbinical Judaism is descended from the practices of the Pharisees,
who fixed the Hebrew canon after the development of Christianity and in reaction to Christianity. Greek-speaking Jews used the Septuagint, but so many converted to Christianity that Greek-speaking Judaism ceased to exist not long after the time of the apostles. The canon of the Orthodox and Catholic Old Testament is a Jewish canon; it is the canon of Jews who accepted Christ. In contrast, Protestants have chosen the Old Testament canon of Jews who rejected Christ.