Your statement above is utter foolishness.
You speak as a foolish woman.
Even more nonsense from your keystrokes.
I'm a proud black man, not a foolish woman. Speaking of foolishness, where is your wisdom? Where is your sense? You repeat accusations against my reasoning, but you provide no reasoning in response. Nothing, aside from saying all translations are paraphrases.
Ignorant people guard their ignorance by avoiding direct responses. In this example, it's about changing "brothers" to "brothers and sisters", not about your indirect response that paraphrase is the nature of all translation.
You say "brothers" means "brothers and sisters". That's your opinion, and an opinion that you haven't supported, in regards to my points. Specifically, the NIV2011 injects an biblical feminist attitude. And, generally, I don't want translators adding their opinions to translations when it can be avoided, even if I agree with the opinion. The NIV2011 translators could easily have avoided adding "and sisters."
Pick out specific passages and deal with your differences of opinion. Don't wholly castigate Bible translations that are serving the Christian public.
Any translation that injects biblical feminist attitude is seeking to incrementally move Christians away from God.