Originally posted by Roy:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joseph_Botwinick:
Do you believe as Lindberg and the America First crowd that the Jews and FDR were agitating an unecessary war with Hitler?
No, and why would you care beans what Lucky Lindy had to say about anything? He was a has been at that time.
Originally posted by Joseph_Botwinick:
What if Dec. 7, 1941 had never happened? Would you still have argued that it was an internal conflict and none of our business?
I think that what I would have advocated is to be prepared. Beef up the defenses and offer aid to those fighting the NAZIs. Hitler was a maniac anyway and I don't think it would have been long before he would have crossed the line, pulling the U.S. into the war.
How long would it have taken you to abandon your isolationist views long enough to realize that Hitler had designs on conquering the world? You are right about one thing: Hindsight is 20/20. Then again, I have to wonder where we would be today, and which Nazi dictator would be running our country today had it not been for an attack on our borders by Japan (not Germany) which suddenly made it acceptable to the America First crowd to care about what Hitler was doing to my ancestors in Poland. I wonder if I would even be here discussing it today. Who knows?
You can call my nationalistic views isolationist if you want to. Isolationist is the term preferred by liberals and pseudo-conservatives. I don't apologize for caring more for my own country than for international issues that are of no importance to the U.S. The fact that someone in your ancestry saw fit to relocate the Botwinick klan to the U.S. should also tell you something. They left a land which, for one reason or the other, was seen as unfit to remain in and take a stand for.
What I'm getting from you is that we need to be ready to go to war to protect Jewish interests around the world. We have many other cultures in this country as well and if we accomodate you, then we must in all fairness accomodate the those of Haitian ancestry, Cuban ancestry, Mexican ancestry, Vietnamese ancestry, Chineses ancestry, Nigerian ancestry, and whatever else is out there. My point is that we can't do it.
You need to stop trying to be a Jewish Jessie Jackson - wearing your ethnicity like a chip on your shoulder.
Roy [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]I must be one of those Jewish Neo Con agitators of war you CP isolationists America First crowd are always talking about. Thanks for revealing it so clear. BTW, this time I was agitating war for the liberation of Muslims, not Jews. Sorry if my ethnicity offends you so much. Although, it is interesting that you denounce Lindy in one breath and then talk just like him in the next.
Joseph Botwinick