I wasn't thinking of any particular direction. I'm reacting to the sentiment of some here that the "Arab"/Israeli conflict started in 1948. When in fact, the conflict goes back 20+ years to the early 1920s. Al Hussani's anti Zionism lead him to make common cause with the Nazis. This alliance fused the rabid and virulent anti-Semitism of the Third Reich into Arab nationalism.
I agree & posted once that the Arabs got their terrorist tactics from the Germans but some of the Brits said no. I mentioned Otto Scorzeny. The Muslim Brotherhood has a front here in Plainfield Indiana--actually their umbrella organization for the USA. It is called the Islamic Society of North America. This is in the same Hendricks County that has the school district in Lizton Indiana that wants to arrest people on government property who have said something on social media the school officials do not like.
Also, years ago there was a thread about the Islamic Waffen SS & the Mufti.
If the Germans had taken Egypt, they would have had more Islamic troops & control of much oil. Hitler failed to back Rommel enough.
Actually, Goering's father Heinrich was territorial governor in the area now called Namibia in the early 1900s when the Germans caused the deaths of 75,000 blacks who disliked German rule. It is called the 1st German holocaust. All of this is traced to the German embrace of Darwin, a white supremacist. Hitler was a total Darwinist & was inspired by states such as Indiana who sterilized many people in the name of Darwin & science. Oliver Wendell Holmes led the supreme court in approving the forced sterilizations in the USA.
So Darwinism & science in Germany added on the hatred of Jews from the Quran supplied by the British-appointed Mufti. The Brits repaid the Arabs for their help against the Ottoman Empire in WW I but the Arabs outwitted the Brits on that one.
Herman Goering was a son of a holocaust perpetrator although I am not sure that the Germans ever paid for what Heinrich Goering did.