Zaac, I'm well aware of the media's portrayal of white/black suspects/victims. And I'm not saying it's right; but each case would need to be looked at individually, to see if it was a "good kid who surprised everyone" or "a person with a criminal history".
That's well and good Sapper. But criminal history doesn't give the police the right to shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to Black suspects.
If the people in a community are being racially profiled and targeted the way the folks in North Charleston say they have been, then it's more likely that people in the demographic that's been targeted has a criminal history as opposed to the folks doing the same thing who haven't been targeted.
So if we go by what you're suggesting, we're right back in a place of police discriminantly killing black people because they've discriminated against them and given them criminal histories while ignoring their white counterparts who have done the same thing.
And then because of said histories, they get to shoot first and ask questions later for the black suspects while doing everything they canto not shoot the white suspects.
That's just absolutely crazy and everybody in the United States of America should be outraged.
My heart is burdened for inner city youth, both black and otherwise. The inner city culture is a cesspool breeding ground of violence and illegal activities. Unfortunately, the inner city population is mostly comprised of black people. I've said it before, and I'll say it here, the crime problem is not a color issue, it's a culture issue. And black people make up a vast majority of that culture.
Unfortunately Sappy, economics plays a large role in that. When you've got the GOP fashioning bills to take monies away from inner city schools to give it to schools that are already "wealthy" and that have got the best of everything, then education wise, the kids in the inner city schools are gonna suffer. No education, no good paying job.
And when you've got black students being labeled and their white counterparts who do the same things don't get labeled, those students get pigeon-holed into remedial classes or classes that its just about impossible for them to get out of and be successful.
So if the system is designed to keep you from succeeding and the "right" way seems to keep slapping folks who look like you in the face, you turn to something that's gonna help you survive.
But, what I was speaking to in my previous post is your belief that if that group was black they'd be dead is no different than someone trusting a white person to walk up to you over a black person.
Again Sapper. Call it what you will. But based upon the climate in the US today, and what I'm starting to see in the news EVERYDAY, I believe every one of those folks would probably be dead if they were Black for the same reason the world just witnessed a cop shoot a fleeing black man in the back several times.
And things are getting ready to explode.
The truly sad part is that the very people, God's people, who could make a difference are repeating history and dealing with this the same way that white Christians dealt with slavery and Jim Crow.