I am a member of the Pentecostal Holiness Church who also visits Baptist churches. I have sent a niece through Liberty University. Most of the pastors I know both Pentecostal and Baptist are Liberty University graduates.
Liberty University's Rawlings School of Divinity
In which boasts the world’s largest school for religious studies and ministerial training. Liberty University defines itself as a Christian college that aligns with the evangelical tradition. But with the Thomas Road Baptist church nearby, arguably more Baptist.
So... We are a Pentecostal Holiness denomination filled with Liberty graduates. With the Liberty University influence comes change. The nearby Radford Pentecostal Holiness Church has renamed itself Compassion Church with Liberty graduates at the helm. We also have a nearby Northstar church that are fruits of Baptist ministries. When asked about denomination influence the Liberty graduate will tell you they are, "Bible Believing." The Northstar church does very well with I would say 1,000 folk in attendance while Virginia Tech classes are in progress. Noting that both churches have about the same training, they also share in the fact that there is no advertised denomination. You would have to dig to find their denominational influences.
Compassion Church Radford | A family where you belong
Northstar Church - Who We Are
In advise in choosing a church of this influence I would highly recommend to research into the leadership.Good leadership is essential. Saint Ambrose once said, "While in Rome do as the Romans." Which I believe is good advice and there may be a time to get out of Rome if the Romans are getting off base. But while in Rome I at least try to be friendly and well mannered.
My goodness! What a delicate thread! These are... Though... Changing times in which denominational focus is not what it was as in times past.
Liberty University's Rawlings School of Divinity
In which boasts the world’s largest school for religious studies and ministerial training. Liberty University defines itself as a Christian college that aligns with the evangelical tradition. But with the Thomas Road Baptist church nearby, arguably more Baptist.
So... We are a Pentecostal Holiness denomination filled with Liberty graduates. With the Liberty University influence comes change. The nearby Radford Pentecostal Holiness Church has renamed itself Compassion Church with Liberty graduates at the helm. We also have a nearby Northstar church that are fruits of Baptist ministries. When asked about denomination influence the Liberty graduate will tell you they are, "Bible Believing." The Northstar church does very well with I would say 1,000 folk in attendance while Virginia Tech classes are in progress. Noting that both churches have about the same training, they also share in the fact that there is no advertised denomination. You would have to dig to find their denominational influences.
Compassion Church Radford | A family where you belong
Northstar Church - Who We Are
In advise in choosing a church of this influence I would highly recommend to research into the leadership.Good leadership is essential. Saint Ambrose once said, "While in Rome do as the Romans." Which I believe is good advice and there may be a time to get out of Rome if the Romans are getting off base. But while in Rome I at least try to be friendly and well mannered.
My goodness! What a delicate thread! These are... Though... Changing times in which denominational focus is not what it was as in times past.