Craig, majority does not determine truth. That's number one."
Yeah, but it is generally safer to be in line with the exceeding majority of experts from the field than to go against them.
Second, there is a two mile thick carbon-rich deposit below the Cambrian which is all over the world. This is the Flood deposit. That is not an obviously nonsensical proposition."
And this assertion has been debated in the past a couple of times and never brought to a resolution.
Here is the last time, though you will have to skip around a bit because it was imbedded into a discussion on another topic. But the whole thread is only about 17 - 18 posts long, so don't worry too much. The rest of the thread is an interesting discussion of why we don't see humans and dinosaurs together. Ever. It was basically left with it being shown that this asserted Flood deposit is only one layer of others like it and that it matches the characteristics of these other layers including a C13 / C12 ratio excursion through the layer indicating a non-organic origin. Here is the first post dealing with the subject.
There was also a whole thread on this topic.
This is another case where there is a large range of observations that are wanting for an alternate YE explanation.
It is also interesting, in case you are not aware of it, that the earth is the ONLY planet with a non-captured moon which is NOT orbiting on the equitorial plane."
Just how in the world was there time for moon formation and capture in a young universe paradigm? These things were not just created in place?
Anyhow. Think of the other planets like earth, the terrestrials. Mercury, Venus, Mars. Let's see, two of these have no moons and the third, Mars, only has a couple of small captured asteroids. (Interstingly, Mars has craters on its surface which fit the pattern of other captured asteroids whose orbits decayed and they crashed into the surface. How does the orbit of these moons decay so fast if Mars is only a few thousand years old? What is the mechanism?)
So what do you notice? None of them have moons like the Earth's. Which planets do? Ah, the gas giants. Now how did these non-captured moons of the gas giants form? From the same clump of material that formed the planets themselves. Which raises another question. Since they formed from the same disk of material, astronomers know why they should be in the same plane. If they were created in place, why place them in the same plane and the other moons in varying planes?
Now how did the earth's moon form? An object the size of Mars collided with the earth. Here is a discussion about a paper from a few years ago that explains the inclination of the moon's orbit. It was
larger in the past.
The earth's axis has been tilted. Actually, this has occured two or three times, the last of which was a correction of the tilt to our lesser tilt of today which occurred in 2345 BC."
Funny that the literature on the subject shows how to measure the tilt much further back and says that it has not changed much.
Vanyo, S. & Awramik, S.M. 1985: Stromatolites and Earth-Sun-Moon dynamics. Precambrian Research 29, pp. 121-142.
There are other studies which can be used to trace the tilt of the earth's axis through time.
And, by the way, as one last thing, just in case you haven't spent much time in Genesis 1-11, you will note that Noah did not have to take marine animals on the Ark. They actually managed to survive in water!"
How? The flood model that you advocate would result in all the waters of the earth being brought to the boiling point. Among other problems.
Wegener was one man declaring plate tectonics and was laughed out of every meeting he was part of during his entire life. Now, of course, he is considered a hero and plate tectonics an established fact. That happened in the 20th century, not in the Middle Ages."
So even ideas which go against the mainstream will gain acceptance if the evidence is there. That is the lesson, right?
We now know why YE and ID fail to gain acceptance.