Well, not all, if any, supposed contractions between known science and literal readings of Holy Scripture are actual contradictions. I do not know of any.
One place where the Holy Scripture allows for evolution is where it speaks, for example, ". . . after his kind . . . ," ". . . after their kind . . . ." Genesis 1:11-12; Genesis 1:21; Genesis 1:24-25.
I present You as factual evidence that God created and made everything that moves, including Humans and the prehistoric creatures / mankind - described as sons of God by the Scripture.
All Humans descended from Adam, the first Human.
Evols have No idea How or When we inherited our Human Intelligence, but Moses knew, and told of it more than 3k years ago
. Gen 6:4 Unfortunately, Evols remain
IGNORANT of God's Truth even to this date.
This evidence, which agrees with every true discovery of Science, History, is True to Scripture, and shows that most of You would Not be here, to post your ideas, if Noah had not brought Human Intelligence to this "Planet of Apes" (Evols Term).
The fact that you can organize a thought, and type it into your computer, separates you from all other animals, and identifies you as "
Mindless Evolution nor Uncaring Nature produced Human Intelligence. That's the Big Lie and that's Evolutionism, the Evol Religion. No Un-Intelligent entity, nor Flawed Theory, ever produced anything.
Jesus made it or it's Not here.
Evols please state Factual Evidence of your Religious Faith here. You have few minutes, I promise, I will not laugh so hard.....No evidence to present? I thought so....
