It is absurd. It is saying that the lack of transitional fossils actually proves evolution. This is absolutely ridiculous to any thinking person."
You are knocking over a strawman.
No one has claimed that there are no transitional fossils and certainly no one is arguing that any such lack of transitional fossils would be considered evidence FOR evolution.
If you ask me, YOU have proved that transitional fossils do not exist with this unbelieveable and totally unscientific theory with not one shred of real evidence to support it. "
I have given you examples from modern times that show very rapid changes within species and leading to speciation. I have given you examples of finely detailed fossil series that show this mechanism working in the past. So you cannot honestly claim that "not one shred of real evidence" has been provided in support.
Furthermore, I have given you several examples of transitions between larger groups which you just seem to ignore. For some, I have provided other corroborating evidence that demands an alternative explanation if YE is to be true. And not just some sort of ad hoc explanation. Something that better explains the data and which provides us with some basis to differentiate it from evolution through testibility and falsifiability.
My favorite example, as you have noticed, are the whales.
Here is some discussion on birds.
But to summarize the whales.
We have a fossil record which goes back to a land dwelling member of the group cetartiodactyl, or the even toed hooved animals. The coomon ankle bone as you like to put it although it is more than that. Follow the link above for more information on any of these bits.
When we genetically test large numbers of mammals, we find that the members of cetartiodactyls test as much closer to one another than to any other animals. When whales are included in this testing, they are found to have sprung from not just the edge of the cetartiodactyls, but from deep within their family tree. They are most closely related to the hippos. But other members to which they are closely related are to the pigs and camels and deer and giraffes and such.
Now, it is strange that these transitional fossils which you claim do not exist line up so perfectly with the genetic record. Maybe you have a good reason why a whale should test SPECIFICALLY as genetically close to a camel. Now I have heard people try and stich in a common designer argument here, but it does not work. I'll give you two reasons. The first is that if you are willing to predict that a camel and a whale,
specifically, should be close genetically then you are going to have to give a very well reasoned account of why. Otherwise you will just blindly explain any observation with that but for no reason. The second is that YEers usually say that they expect that animals that are similar with simialr lifestyles should have similar genes. There is nothing alike about a camel and a whale to be the basis for such a statement. YEers should expect then that a whale would be similar to something like a seal or an otter or a shark. Not a camel.
While we are on the subject of genetics... Whales have dozens of disabled gened for making the same sense of smell that only land dwelling animals have. They have none of the genes for a water born sense that marine animals have. Why would this be the case if they did not have a land dwelling ancestor?
Whales also have genes for making a pelvis and legs and feet. Some adult whales have vesigal remnants of a pelvis and/or legs tucked away in there. Occasionally, whales are born will full atavistic legs. Whale embryos have little rear legs and feet that are absorbed before birth. Why would whales have these genes if they did not have land dwelling ancestors?
On a related note, the front flippers of the whales are homologeous to the arms of tetrapods. Why?
This is evidence. Please quit saying that there is not any that has been presented. I have presented such many times. There has yet to be a parsimonious alternate explanation give to account for all of the observations. Yet you continue to claim that no evidence has been presented.