I was quoted often, and I am not Pelagian. I have said dozens of times that no man could be saved unless God first revealed Jesus Christ to us through the scriptures. I would bet I have posted Romans 10:14 many dozens of times in the past two years to support this.
Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
I have posted this verse and highligted it like this dozens of times. No man can possibly believe in Jesus unless he has heard of Jesus. If God did not send prophets to speak his word and record it in the scriptures we would all be lost and without any hope to be saved.
So, no way do I believe man makes the first move toward God. God has sent his word and his spirit into the world to enlighten and convict man. When a man hears the scripture, he is told he is a sinner in danger of hell fire. But a man is also told that God loved us even when we were sinners and sent his Son Jesus to die for our sins, and that he was raised again. And if we trust and believe on Jesus we will be forgiven our sins.
All a man can do is respond. He can choose to obey and trust Christ, or he can reject the word of God and refuse to trust Christ. But God initiates salvation, and it is God alone that regenerates a man that believes.
Here are some of my statements you quoted;
I stand by this. The scriptures say Jesus came in the flesh, he took on the nature of the seed of Abraham, he suffered being tempted, and was tempted in all points as we are without sin. That is what the scriptures say. If you don't believe that, then you are the heretic.
I stand by this. Adam and Eve were not created with a sin nature, yet they both sinned. This proves a sin nature is not required to sin. The fact that we sin does not prove we were born with a sin nature, just as the fact that Adam and Eve sinned does not prove they were created with a sin nature. That is simple logic.
Romans 1:27 says men left the "natural" use of the woman and burned in their lust toward other men. This shows that man by nature recognize that homosexuality is unnatural. If men were homosexual by nature, they would not recognize that they are leaving the "natural" use of the woman. Think about it.
I stand by this, sin is not a disease, it is a choice. Did Satan infect Adam and Eve with some disease that caused them to sin? No, he suggested sin to them and they chose to believe him.
I stand by this. Ecc 7:29 says God has made man upright, but they (all men) have sought out many inventions. I didn't say this, God did.
I stand by this. In my opinion, Augustine introduced much error into the church.
Again, this is Ecc 7:29 which says God made man upright. If you don't like this verse, take it up with God, he is the one who wrote it.