Tom Butler
New Member
In the other thread on Why the Lord's Table on Sunday Morning?, I succumbed to the temptation and helped derail the thread by discussing access to the Lord's Table.
I thought I had seen an earlier thread on Open or Closed Communion,but I couldn't find it, so I'm starting another thread to talk about it.
The question, I suppose, is not whether the Lord's Table should be limited. It is already limited to believers. At least I hope so.
The question is, how accessible?
All professed believers, regardless of denomination?
Baptized (immersed, sprinkled, poured) believers of every stripe?
Only immersed believers of every stripe?
Baptists of every kind?
Only Baptist churches of like faith and order?
Only members of your congregation?
I mentioned in the other thread that my own church makes the Lord's Table more accessible that I personally prefer. I have been a member there for 49 years, so obviously it is not a test fellowship for us.
Would it be for you? If you are open, would you join a closed-communion church? Vice Versa?
I thought I had seen an earlier thread on Open or Closed Communion,but I couldn't find it, so I'm starting another thread to talk about it.
The question, I suppose, is not whether the Lord's Table should be limited. It is already limited to believers. At least I hope so.
The question is, how accessible?
All professed believers, regardless of denomination?
Baptized (immersed, sprinkled, poured) believers of every stripe?
Only immersed believers of every stripe?
Baptists of every kind?
Only Baptist churches of like faith and order?
Only members of your congregation?
I mentioned in the other thread that my own church makes the Lord's Table more accessible that I personally prefer. I have been a member there for 49 years, so obviously it is not a test fellowship for us.
Would it be for you? If you are open, would you join a closed-communion church? Vice Versa?