I wasn't implying that the tax returns were fake or anything like that, just that there was something off about the whole thing - I mean, really, where did the NYT get them from? Three state tax returns from 1995???
Now that woman that said she found them in the mail could be lying and she did overtell the story a little bit, which is usually a bad sign of at least exaggeration but I tend to believe it. What she said was that they just came in the mail with a return address of the Trump Towers.
Who would access to that - either has to be a former aide that only worked for Trump a few years in the 90s and kept copies of these returns but not any others for some unknown reason or, more probable, it was from the NY state office, but then again, why only those? Why not dump them all in one fell swoop? The IRS is pretty outlaw these days, but they would've released the federal ones, too, unless they're trying to point the finger elsewhere but that doesn't sound right. They are heavy-handed.
How this ties into the title of this thread is that it's not beyond the realm of possibilities that Trump or one of his operatives leaked that.