You DON'T know. You're just GUESSING. Those prophecies MUST be fulfilled TO THE LETTER, not just similarly to how they were written. Jesus said not one stone of the temple would be left upon another, & that came to pass EXACTLY. The Romans, believing a rumor there was gold stashed between the stones, pulled them apart down to the foundation. (No gold was found.)
Actually, I will turn your answer right back to you. You can't possibly know for certain that those prophecies are to be fulfilled in the future because they have already been fulfilled to the letter. (I didn't know that the Romans didn't actually find gold. That is ironic, isn't it?)
Now, can you show us from history when the prophecies of the seals, trumpets, & vials all came to pass, exactly, to the letter? I'll be patiently waiting!
The judgments of Revelation are not told in a linear fashion like a history book. Rather, they are told in a cyclical fashion, repeating points. The Seals, Trumpets, and Vials repeat much of the same judgments, but with greater intensity with each retelling. Judgment was
pronounced with the 7 Seals; Judgment was
announced with the 7 Trumpets; and Judgment was
executed with the 7 Vials.
1st Seal was when Rome conquered Jerusalem. The
2nd Seal was the war which followed, accompanied by the
3rd Seal of famine. These were followed by the
4th and 5th Seals (death when 1/4 of Israel was killed and the martyrs). The
6th Seal (great earthquake) was the Roman army killing the Jews that were hiding. The
7th Seal was a prelude to the 7 Trumpets.
1st Trumpet was when 1/3 of the land (of Israel) was burned. The "burning mountain" thrown into the sea (
2nd Trumpet) was when 1/3 of the sea became as blood for the killing. This leads to the
3rd Trumpet where the waters were made bitter. The
4th Trumpet (sun, moon, & stars struck) was the powers were shaken. Locusts from the Pit (
5th Trumpet / 1st Woe) was the 5 months of torment during the final siege of Titus. The
6th Trumpet (2nd Woe) were angels released to kill 1/3 of mankind. Finally, the Kingdom of Heaven is proclaimed with the
7th Trumpet. It would be ridiculous to believe that God will literally throw a burning mountain into the sea or that the sun, moon, & stars will literally be struck. That coupled with the repeated pattern of "1/3" show this must be symbolic.
1st Vial was sores on those who worshiped the Beast. The sea became blood from dying sea creatures in the
2nd Vial. Likewise, the rivers & springs became blood with the
3rd Vial. This speaks of massive slaughter. Men were scorched with fierce heat with the
4th Vial. (Surely you don't expect a literal cup to pour out on the sun.) This speaks of the Jews suffering. The darkness and pain upon the Beast's kingdom (
5th Vial) was the coming end of Jerusalem. The
6th Vial describes the Euphrates dried up, 3 unclean spirits, and Armageddon. The unclean spirits were Satan, the Beast, & the False Prophet. This describes Titus coming. Besides, a dried up river would not affect modern warfare. Armageddon is a reference to a battle in 2 Chronicles 35:20-25. This is about the conflict between Rome & Israel. As a comparison, we might refer to a final defeat as someone's "Waterloo". We hope the situation in Ukraine doesn't become their "Alamo". Jerusalem split into three parts with the
7th Vial. This was 3 factions against each other (Eleazer, John, & Simon). The huge hailstones were 100 pound stones that the Roman catapults shot at Israel.
So, your patience has been rewarded with this explanation of how these judgments came to pass to the letter. I can go into more details, but I didn't want to do a verse-by-verse commentary. I'm sure you disagree as always, but that's okay. What more can either of us say that we haven't already said?