"...A team of scientists appointed by the United Nations has reported that a free market system cannot provide the economic transition required to defeat climate change.
Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise
By Nafeez Ahmed
Aug 28 2018, 1:40am
A climate change-fueled switch away from fossil fuels means the worldwide economy will fundamentally need to change.
Capitalism as we know it is over. So suggests a new report commissioned by a group of scientists appointed by the UN Secretary-General. The main reason? We’re transitioning rapidly to a radically different global economy, due to our increasingly unsustainable exploitation of the planet’s environmental resources....:"
"… Rapid economic transition requires proactive governance – markets cannot accomplish the task
It is clear from these examples that strong political governance is required to accomplish the key transitions. Market-based action will not suffice – even with a high carbon price. There must be a comprehensive vision and closely coordinated plans. Otherwise, a rapid system-level transformation toward global sustainability goals is inconceivable.
More: UN Appointed Climate Science Team Demands The End of Capitalism
Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise
By Nafeez Ahmed
Aug 28 2018, 1:40am
A climate change-fueled switch away from fossil fuels means the worldwide economy will fundamentally need to change.
Capitalism as we know it is over. So suggests a new report commissioned by a group of scientists appointed by the UN Secretary-General. The main reason? We’re transitioning rapidly to a radically different global economy, due to our increasingly unsustainable exploitation of the planet’s environmental resources....:"
"… Rapid economic transition requires proactive governance – markets cannot accomplish the task
It is clear from these examples that strong political governance is required to accomplish the key transitions. Market-based action will not suffice – even with a high carbon price. There must be a comprehensive vision and closely coordinated plans. Otherwise, a rapid system-level transformation toward global sustainability goals is inconceivable.
More: UN Appointed Climate Science Team Demands The End of Capitalism
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