Great article about the MSM's outright dishonest treatment of the tea party rallies, supporters, etc.:
No surprises here...but still:
No surprises here...but still:
- Given its demonstrated influence, network coverage of the Tea Party has been minuscule
- Such coverage is piddling compared to that lavished on protests serving liberal objectives. The Nation of Islam’s “Million Man March” in 1995, for example, was featured in 21 evening news stories on just the night of that march — more than the Tea Party received in all of 2009.
- Overall, 44 percent of network stories on the Tea Party (27 out of 61) suggested the movement reflected a fringe or dangerous quality.
- The MSM cast the Tea Party as a gang of angry white people. This, despite the facts...
- Nearly one in six Tea Partiers are non-white, with education rates that are higher than the general population.
- More info on demographics can be found HERE.