I'm unclear on your post.
We agree that angels do not father children, but that they can take on the appearance of man. What about these "sons of God" who fathered children (do you think these are angels who fathered half-breed children, or were these "mighty men" something else?)
Allow me to preface ~ ABOUT Scripture ~
Scripture IS for KNOWLEDGE ~ written Words are for everyone and anyone to read. (Angels and Mankind)
UNDERSTANDING the KNOWLEDGE ~ is for "exclusively" for those, who ARE "according to God" ... Holy
The "extent" (how much) one is given Gods understanding, BY GOD, is always at Gods pleasure.(His determination)
The "titles" (position), given an Angel or Mankind, (of "son" of God), is paramount knowledge, to know;
Who, When, Why.
And ^ that is revealed, VIA, "study" of the Knowledge.
Men can Hear the world of God, Read Scripture, and believe it.....or not.....study it....or not....Seek the understanding....
via ~ their Carnal Mind....(ie makes sense, seems plausible, logically deduced, etc.)
via ~ seeking Gods understanding....(which has nothing to do with logic of a mans mind), but is solely according to God, which ONLY HE gives an individual, "subjected unto Him" in committed faithfulness.
It is taught in Scripture, Gods Order....
Hear, Verify via the Written word, Trust, Believe, Submit, Continue following the word, Read, Study, ASK HIM for His understanding, thus one is PREPARED to speak to others on His behalf, that others may also do the same according to His Order /WAY.
Point being ~ there IS an ORDER /WAY.
Point being ~ Skipping any part thereof IS a corruption of the ORDER.
Point being ~ Not unusual for MANY WHO, claim having submitted unto God....CONTINUE to read, BUT (out of order)
.....continue to "understand" Scripture via their MIND (ie makes sense, seems plausible, logically deduce, etc.) <--- the exact opposite of what Scripture teaches.
Moving on ~ "the title" sons of God. It is paramount to KNOW, who, when and why that "title" (position) APPLIES.
Which is specifically part of the study of the knowledge revealed in Scripture.
Angels - beings CREATED Holy ~ are sons of God.
Angels ~ Holy ~ were given great Knowledge, some Understanding, great power.
Angels ~ beings who become unholy ~ forfeit their "title" as a son of God. (also forfeit ~ their "estate")
Angels ~ Holy ~ were entitled to an "estate" in Heaven
Angels ~ who forfeited their holiness ~ became "occupants" of another "estate" ie Earth. ~
Angels ~ who became unholy ~ forfeited their right to GAIN more understanding from God.
Angels ~ who became unholy ~ DID NOT forfeit their great power given them of God.
Mankind ~ created beings ~ some are sons of God...
.according to Gods order
Mankind ~ created beings ~ some are NOT sons of God....according to Gods order.
Adam ~ first created man. Being first, he is an exception, from all other humans. Not born.
Adam ~ created BODILY FLESH, called GOOD (ie not corrupt).
Adam ~ given LIFE from God, VIA a LIVING SOUL, called GOOD.
Adam ~ "titled" son of God.
Adam ~ FLESH, (bodily) fell from being GOOD, to being corrupt.
So, we find Angles are created, GOOD, with KNOWLEDGE, some understanding, with Power, with a Heavenly estate, with title, (son of God) AND can "FALL" from that position, while keeping their Power, limited knowledge they were given and some understanding.
So, we find Mankind (the first), was created GOOD, after the LIKENESS of God, fell from being good.... then what?
Mankind AFTER Adam, was created, corrupt, after the LIKENESS of Adam. (Gen 5: 1,2,3)
Pertaining to Adam, and Mankind thereafter, is mankind, WHO, must then.....BECOME GOOD....or remain corrupt.
The KNOWLEDGE in Scripture reveals HOW a man becomes GOOD ( according to Gods ORDER ), which is Gods acceptable WAY.
A mankind WHO becomes GOOD, according to Gods acceptable WAY ~ is thereafter given the title, of "son of God".
Did Adam become ACCEPTABLE, "after falling", to be titled with, "son of God"? yes.
Did Angels who had fallen, become ACCEPTABLE to KEEP the title "son of God"? no.
Again, Angels were created "WITH" the KNOWLEDGE, thus they have NO EXCUSE, to not KEEP IT and rely on it.
Mankind was created "WITHOUT" the KNOWLEDGE, but must choose to SEEK it.
God has provided a means, for ALL of mankind to hear and be aware of the KNOWLEDGE, thus mankind has NO EXCUSE to not hear it, read it, and rely on it.
And according to Gods Way, a man WHO, hears, reads, learns, believes, trusts, submits in faithfulness to God ONLY, is a man WHO, (though having been corrupt), becomes Acceptable to be included, and titled, as a "son of God", wholly acceptable to God.
^ That applied to Adam, and to numerous men, in the OT, in the NT, (that are named, and given us for KNOWLEDGE), to learn HOW to apply the same to our own selves.
THUS ^ that also applies to ANY man today, WHO follows after and submits to Gods order (ie WAY).
So, we hear, we read and verify, that the knowledge is correct, we submit, we forfeit our MINDS logical concluding and understanding, and seek God for
His understanding, to be prepare to serve God, (telling others), that they too might choose to do the same as we have done according to the same WAY (order) as God has revealed IS His WAY.
Holy Angels "do not marry", thus "do not reproduce".
Holy Angels (sons of God) came from their estate, (Heaven), to Earth.
They SAW daughters of MANKIND, no big deal.
"lusted" after them, because of the womens appearence.
THAT ^ CHANGED the Holy Angels "position". That immediately, changed the holy angels, from HOLY to UNHOLY.
THAT ^ caused an Angel, who was a son of God, to no longer be holder of that title, according to holiness.
Holy Angels are created WITH HAVING Gods "grace", given at their creation; great knowledge, some understanding, and great power.
MANKIND is not. Mankind on the other hand are created, having to LEARN about God, gain knowledge, some understanding and some power.
Thus WHEN an Angel, falls, His falling is LOSING Gods GRACE, which an Angel can NOT, regain.
Thus WHEN a man, is born, He must choose to GAIN Gods GRACE, via following, submitting, and receives Gods Grace, which is first...FORGIVENESS, for the corruption of his flesh (body) and the corruption of his soul (in his body), and thereafter, the Grace given a man, is never forfeited, or lost. (and by the way, increased, via blessings and power).
Meaning, Angels are created (without choice), with Gods Grace of (not forgiveness), but great attributes.
Meaning, Mankind must seek to gain (forgiveness) and great attributes, by their CHOICE, and receive Gods Grace.
HOLY Angels, (sons of God) DID come to earth.
Holy Angels (sons of God) DID see women of mankind.
Holy Angels DID become UNHOLY,
when they lusted after the beauty of human women.
Unholy Angels, DID, via their power appear in the flesh.
Unholy Angels, DID, take human women (that they lusted after their beauty), as wives.
Unholy Angels, DID, procreate offspring with such human women.
The offspring, WERE of exceptional stature and strength and occupied lands upon the earth.
The unholy Angels, their offspring, human women, human men, human children, became subject of Gods disapproval.
God created a FLOOD to destroy the corrupt beings occupying the earth, ie cleansing the earth.
Point being. You reject what IS revealed. "not enough evidence". The evidence is there. It is your lack of "understanding" that sways your conclusion.
You said...
We agree that angels do not father children, but that they can take on the appearance of man.
That is not true. But you apparently did not understand.
UNholy Angels, (sons of God, WHO saw human women)....and their fall from Grace, lusting after the beauty of such women, thus FELL from their holy state to an unholy state, and MARRIED human women and absolutely
DID father children with human woman.
Again, it is paramount for one to STUDY, BEFORE being introduced to the understanding of the knowledge revealed.
THE "STUDY", is the part that, WHEN something is mentioned in Scripture, such as the phrase "son of God", to read, search, discover, Who, what, when, why, that applies to....so WHEN it IS mentioned in
any verse of Scripture, you KNOW, who, what, when & why,
it is being APPLIED to.