I didn't realize you were privy to the inner workings of the investigation. Otherwise, you have no basis to make that claim. So you've examined all of their documents and have interviewed the investigators? From what we have seen so far, the Mueller investigation believes a number of Trump's campaign personnel, as well as close administration personnel, are guilty of crimes. Some have even agreed with Mueller, pleading guilty. If President Trump has surrounded himself with so many people who who have been indicted/pleaded guilty, why are you so sure that the President is above reproach?
A little bird told me.
If President Trump tells the truth, how can it be a trap? A person who tells the truth can't fall into a trap.
Even the devil quotes scripture. Take that any way you please
You must not realize the power of lawyers.
Not necessarily, but if Mueller can't find any evidence (as you claim), then he won't recommend charges. In effect, that will clear the President. If the President stops the investigation, it screams that his actions cannot stand scrutiny.
Well take Bill C, he finally confessed to his picadillos, he was impeached yet walked away clean, so you may have a point. But why waste the taxpayers money? the dems WON'T win the house (A dream) so there can be no impeachment process.
I've noticed that the President's supporters seem to assume that Trump will lie under oath or that dirt will be uncovered, all with simultaneously claim that there is no evidence and that the President is innocent.
There is probably quite a bit of dirt that Mueller wants to throw at the wall (oops I mean the POTUS) to see what sticks once he gets him on the stand to make him look bad.No collusion just the usual sins of all the rest of us sinners (although I am one saved by grace)
Look BB I am a former JFK blue-dog democrat who walked away from the party of death (Abortion, euthanasia, eugenics).
I voted for President Trump to avoid being complicit in the murder of the innocents (which is my opinion of abortion).
Whatever he is,does, says is far better IMO than having Hillary/Bill in the white house furthering the fattening of the Clinton Foundation (all from a legal distance of course).
He doesn't need to do this, he is a billionaire remember.
He won't go down for the count without a fight and if and when he does I think he will take quite a few with him.