Perhaps this may be better for the CAL/ARMIN forum, but then again this is a question on the New Calvinism which is different. I have not done much study on the movement but has anyone? From what I understand Piper, Platt, Chan, Dever, Driscoll, and Washer are a part of it. Accurate? These are some differences according to Mark Driscoll.
Is the New Calvinism worth it?
- New Calvinism is missional and seeks to create and redeem culture.
- New Calvinism is flooding into cities.
- Old Calvinism was generally cessationist (i.e. believing the gifts of the Holy Spirit such as tongues and prophecy had ceased). New Calvinism is generally continuationist with regard to spiritual gifts.
- New Calvinism is open to dialogue with other Christian positions.[6]
Is the New Calvinism worth it?