View attachment 7301
I should do a poll here to find out who is OUTRAGED (me) over the continued political prisoner gulag & who among us thinks justice is being served. Yeah, never mind, it’s probably better that I remain ignorant on that one…………….McCarthy is bound by his agreement to attain Speaker that he will release all of the video from that day. Why has it been hidden from us? You know why.
Well, devil his due.
Red terror works or your communist rulers wouldn't be applying it. They have taken everything they learned from 1917 Russia and have applied it throughout much of the west now. Notice there have been no protests in America since J6 just as there will be no more in Brazil either. That and only that is what these political prisoners are about. This latest budget tripled DOJ's ability to expand this red terror campaign and round up 4-5K more J6 protesters for political persecution. The red media opposition controller, Tucker Carlson did a piece on this expansion two weeks ago.
Recall biden's "red speech" given several months ago. That was your rulers officially announcing red communism in America and that too went right over most heads.
They abolished the Constitution right in front of our eyes in November 2020 and got away with it. I know, they didn't ask anyone, they just did it and it seems no one is the wiser as to what that really meant.
Unfortunately for us, the rulers know that modern day Americans have no stake in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. They are merely the welfare recipients of them. And everyone knows welfare recipients will not take care of or maintain what is given them for free. This has become painfully obvious over the last two years.
Everything going on in the west right now is very historically familiar to me.
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers appear to be switching out Biden soon and it will seem to be a relief for a short time, but it will not last and the aftermath will be much worse I suspect. Oh, the tide will seem to turn but this is just another repeat of history.
As in early 20th century Russia, once communists have control of a nation or in this case, the entire west they then betray and eliminate the peasant class armies they indoctrinated and used for decades to divide the nations so thoroughly. These lose their usefulness to the rulers and become a liability to them. Unless these misfits can unlearn woke-ism quickly and become productive/submissive members of their serf class, they are executed. Unlearning that level of brainwashing is rare.
Much of the low level wicked may fall soon and if that does happen look out because a far worse evil will eventually be revealed in the one who causes this flood. Beware and trust no prominent people, none whatsoever. We are living in a time of great betrayal and weeding out. The sick part is that it has all happened before on a smaller scale just over a century ago and neither side of this great divide recognizes it. That is the most remarkable part of all this to me.