Dumbstruck. I like that. :thumbs:
If you want to take another win away from our troops, you'll have to do it when I'm not around. I've seen it done before.
Their mission was an unqualified success. Saddam is gone. The insurgency was quelled. Al Qaeda was routed.
There is no failure there at all, except on the part of the Iraqis to carry the ball.
It may be true that muslim nations are incapable of self rule, But Iraq had it's chance.
Don't you dare to try to play that crap with me about discrediting our troops. Don't insult the intelligence of those serve. They didn't walk out of there feeling like they won anything. They walked out with mostly apathy and anger from having gone in the first place. Especially those that had several deployments. You can wrap yourself in an American flag in your living room and claim victory but we sure didn't win anything worth the effort of ten years and countless U.S. lives. Everybody loves to play shellgames with the lives of U.S. Soldiers from their living room. It is sickening. If you think we pulled the plug too early. Too bad. Why don't you go buy a plane ticket to fill the gap.