So you agree, freedom of speech is not absolute.
It involves more that just the feedom of speech: It's a redress of grievance (that he believes the president lied) and the freedom of association (so do others). True, Joe was carried away in a moment of passion to exercise his freedom of speech but he apologized the next day which the president graciously accepted.
IMO, the president showed more grace in his acceptance than Joe in his apology but both men proved their personal integrity towards one another and a very real piece of bi-partisan evidence.
I just wish the press (Fox included) would fixate on the apology and subsequent acceptance as the whole world watches the bickering on both sides of the aisle.
As far as the president and Joe W are concerned, we have far greater fish to fry (and not just health care).
Why not just let it go?
There are many of the president's polices with which I (and many others) don't agree, but Israel and Iran are on the very brink of something which may ultimately lead to WWIII.
Pray, pray for wisdom for our president, Joe Biden was correct, his real test may very well be coming soon, perhaps soon the fate of the entire world will be in his hands (within the sovereignty of God of course).
My opinion of course.