My advice to the OWS is to do what the TEA party did - run for public office...
However, the American way is to complain about others.
The next time you get into a discussion with someone who is complaining, simply ask them, if you were in office what would you do?
I'll answer that question Salty.
If I were in office I would honor my oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic!
Now here's my question to you. How many of those who have been "voted" into office today can honestly say they honor and uphold their oath?
BTW the "tea party" was co opted early on by the corporate backed big government all war all the time everywhere neocons. So there will be no difference made by this bunch of posers at all even if they are "voted" into office. Look at Bachmann said she was all about defending the constitution and civil liberties and all that jazz then voted to extend the constitution busting patriot act(s).
There's a word for people like her. Traitor.
I often wonder how you would have advised the founding fathers. What advice would have given them Salty?
The American way used to be do what's right and good or so we believed now it's do what ever the government and media tells ya . . . without complaining. Because the new American way is "anything goes, the end justifies the means". So shut yer trap and and be a good citizen. Look the other way when our "leaders" act above the law. You all convinced me of that when ya decided that doing away with due process was a "good thing" and justified the torture and imprisonment of other human beings, without evidence or charges.
A 180 degree turn away from what the American way used to be. But we shouldn't complain about it though right Salty? We should just "vote" for another banker controlled globalist posing as an American politician and be happy we done our part.
In other words be good little sheople. Isn't that about right?