Okay, here we go again. Look at these passages again, and I will explain it to you:
The Law was what God gave Moses to Govern His people, Israel by. When Christ came, He took the Law and nailed it to the cross, so that we now live under Grace and not the Law. The only thing the Law could do was bring guilt, condemnation, death, etc. It can, at best, bring us TO Christ, but not INTO Christ. Only Grace can do that.
Abraham had a covenant with God pre-Law. God promised him that through his seed, shall all nations be blessed. He was talking about Jesus Christ.
Moses was given the Law from God directly, and this was how He was going to Govern His people. If they broke even one of them, they died. Under Grace, if we break one, we repent and are forgiven, and not killed.
The Israelites(and Moses, too) were given a fleshly covenant betwixt themselves and God. It was a fleshly covenant that had to due with their fleshly body and not their inner man. When they sinned, they died a physical death. Now that we are under the Grace Covenant, when we sinned knowingly and willingly as a child before God, we died spiritually. We are under the Law then, because breaking God's Law brough guilt, condemnation spiritual death, etc. In this condemned state, it brought me to Christ, because I was a condemned, dead, guilty sinner, who was pleading for his life. He saved me, and placed me in Him, and saved my soul, putting me in the Grace Covenant. The Law brought me to Christ as a condemned sinner, and Grace made me a free christian.
I hope this has cleared things up.
Now, I leave you with a two verse passage and one simple question:
Gal. 4:4,5
4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
If we're under any semblance of the Law now, why did God send His Son to redeem us who were under the Law?