Yes the Party of Death (The Democrats) will continue the war. O-BA-MA won't end the war one day before McCain would have, because O-BA-MA does not want to get blamed for what would follow should we leave too soon.
The Party of Death (the Democrats) have the blood of over 50 million infants on their hands. They have caught up with Joe Stalin in the standings, and only have the 70-100 million victims of Mao in their way before they become the most murderous organization in world history.
Even if we granted you your 250,000 supposed victims of our soldiers, that is not even a good three months' worth of slaughtered infants, torn from the wombs of their mothers that must be laid at the feet of the second greatest mass murder organization in the history of this violent world, the Party of Death, the Democratic Party, that shameless blasphemy of evil and torture.
The Party of Death (the Democrats) have the blood of over 50 million infants on their hands. They have caught up with Joe Stalin in the standings, and only have the 70-100 million victims of Mao in their way before they become the most murderous organization in world history.
Even if we granted you your 250,000 supposed victims of our soldiers, that is not even a good three months' worth of slaughtered infants, torn from the wombs of their mothers that must be laid at the feet of the second greatest mass murder organization in the history of this violent world, the Party of Death, the Democratic Party, that shameless blasphemy of evil and torture.