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The persecution of Christian Baptists in Russia.



№3, 21февраля 2021 г.

Дорогие братья и сёстры, более года назад Конституционным Судом РФ было принято Постановление №35-П от 14.11.2019:

1. Признать абзац второй статьи 42 Земельного кодекса Российской Федерации и часть 1 статьи 8.8 КоАП Российской Федерации не противоречащими Конституции Российской Федерации, поскольку содержащиеся в них положения - по своему конституционно-правовому смыслу в системе действующего правового регулирования - не предполагают привлечения к административной ответственности, предусмотренной частью 1 статьи 8.8 КоАП Российской Федерации, собственника земельного участка с видом разрешённого использования - для ведения личного подсобного хозяйства и расположенного на данном земельном участке жилого помещения в случаях предоставления религиозной организации возможности совершать в этом жилом помещении богослужения, другие религиозные обряды и церемонии, а также использовать ад! рес этого жилого помещения в качестве адреса религиозной организации и не допускают такого использования этого жилого помещения религиозной организацией, когда оно, фактически утратив признаки жилого, приобретает характеристики культового помещения либо административного (служебного) помещения религиозной организации.

2. Конституционно-правовой смысл абзаца второго статьи 42 Земельного кодекса Российской Федерации и части 1 статьи 8.8 КоАП Российской Федерации, выявленный в настоящем Постановлении, является общеобязательным, что исключает любое иное их истолкование в правоприменительной практике…

4. Настоящее Постановление окончательно, не подлежит обжалованию, вступает в силу немедленно после провозглашения, действует непосредственно и не требует подтверждения другими органами и должностными лицами».

Но 24.12.2020 в Краснодарском крае постановлением главного государственного инспектора в Брюховецком и Каневском районах по использованию и охране земель Передерий А. В. был привлечён к административной ответственности по ч.1 ст.8.8 КоАП РФ Кощавка Николай Григорьевич и ему назначено административное наказание в виде штрафа в сумме 10 000 руб.

Согласно вышеуказанному постановлению, принадлежащий ему земельный участок, расположенный по адресу: Краснодарский край, Каневской район, ст. Каневская, ул. Полевая 33а, используется не по назначению, а именно для организации церковной деятельности.

C вышеуказанным доводами брат не согласился и пояснил: «На земельном участке по указанному выше адресу, расположен принадлежащий мне индивидуальный жилой дом, в котором я постоянно проживаю вместе со своей семьёй. Следовательно, жилой дом и земельный участок, на котором этот дом расположен, используется по назначению, а именно – для проживания семьи (9 детей). То обстоятельство, что в моём доме проводятся богослужения и имеется вывеска «Дом молитвы» не может быть основанием для признания его культовым зданием с изменением разрешённого вида использования земельного участка, а также не придаёт жилому дому какого-либо иного или дополнительного статуса. Кроме того, перевод принадлежащего мне жилого дома в нежилой фонд в целях осуществления религиозной деятельности запрещён действующим законодательством (п.3.2 ст.22 ЖК РФ)».

Реализация права на свободу совести и свободу вероисповедания, закреплённого в ст.28 Конституции РФ, выходит за рамки частной жизни и связана с другими правами человека и гражданина, закреплёнными в Конституции РФ, прежде всего с правом на объединение, а также с правом на свободу собраний, которое, как указал Конституционный суд РФ в Постановлении №12-П от 18.05.2012, является одним из основополагающих и неотъемлемых элементов правового статуса личности.

Несмотря на всё это Каневской районный суд, рассмотрев 28.01.2021 дело №12-12/2021, оставил постановление Управления Росреестра без изменения, а жалобу, поданную Кощавка Николаем Григорьевичем, без удовлетворения.

Брат подал в Краснодарский краевой суд апелляционную жалобу и просит молиться и ходатайствовать об отмене постановления №23-21.32, вынесенного главным государственным инспектором в Брюховецком и Каневском районах по использованию и охране земель, а также решения Каневского районного суда.

Адрес для ходатайств:

Краснодарский краевой суд

ул. Красная, 10, г. Краснодар, 350063, Россия


No. 3, 21 February 2021

Dear brothers and sisters, more than a year ago, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 35-P of 14.11.2019:

1. To recognize the second paragraph of article 42 of the Land code of the Russian Federation and part 1 of article 8.8 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation not to violate the Constitution of the Russian Federation, since their provisions - in its constitutional sense in the current system of regulation is not envisage bringing to administrative responsibility under part 1 of article 8.8 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation, the owner of the land with the permitted use - for the conduct of personal subsidiary farming and residential premises located on this land plot, in cases where a religious organization is given the opportunity to perform divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies in this residential premises, as well as to use hell! res of this residential premises as the address of a religious organization and do not allow such use of this residential premises by a religious organization when it, having actually lost the signs of residential, acquires the characteristics of a religious premises or administrative (service) premises of a religious organization.

2. The constitutional and legal meaning of the second paragraph of Article 42 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and part 1 of Article 8.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, identified in this Resolution, is generally binding, which excludes any other interpretation in law enforcement practice…

4. This Resolution is final, not subject to appeal, enters into force immediately after the proclamation, acts directly and does not require confirmation by other bodies and officials."

But on 24.12.2020 in the Krasnodar Territory, by the decision of the chief state inspector in the Bryukhovetsky and Kanevsky districts for the use and protection of land, Perederiy A.V. was brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of art.8.8 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Koshavka Nikolay Grigoryevich and he was sentenced to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

Pursuant to the above decision, he owns the land, located at: Krasnodar Krai, Kanevskaya district, art Kanevskaya, street 33a, is used for other purposes, namely for Church activities.

With the above arguments, the brother did not agree and explained: "On the land plot at the above address, there is an individual residential building belonging to me, in which I permanently live together with my family. Therefore, the residential building and the land plot on which this house is located are used for their intended purpose, namely, for the residence of a family (9 children). The fact that services are held in my house and there is a sign "House of Prayer" can not be a reason for recognizing it as a religious building with a change in the permitted use of the land plot, and also does not give the residential house any other or additional status. In addition, the translation I owned residential building in uninhabited Fund for the purpose of conducting religious activity prohibited by applicable law (p.3.2 article 22 of the housing code)".

The realization of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion enshrined in article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is beyond the scope of private life and is associated with other human rights and citizen enshrined in the Constitution, notably the right to Association and freedom of Assembly, which, as pointed out by the constitutional court of the Russian Federation in Decree No. 12-P dated 18.05.2012, is a fundamental and integral aspect of the legal status of the individual.

Despite all this, the Kanevsky District Court, having considered the case No. 12-12/2021 on 28.01.2021, left the decision of the Rosreestr Department unchanged, and the complaint filed by Koshchavka Nikolay Grigoryevich, without satisfaction.

Brother filed the Krasnodar regional court of appeal and asked to pray and intercede for cancellation No. 23-21.32, made the chief state inspector in Briukhovychi and Kanev district for the use and protection of lands, as well as decisions Kanevsky district court.

Address for petitions:

Krasnodar Regional Court

10 Krasnaya Str., Krasnodar, 350063, Russia


Please pray for the persecuted family.


Well-Known Member
May God extend His deep grace to my brothers and sisters. May, by God's ordination in this matter, the church grow stronger and may the power of the gospel be a beacon of light in the darkness.

[QUOTE = "Strannik, post: 2683080, member: 18671"] DEPARTMENT OF INTERPRETATION MSC ECB

No. 3, February 21, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters, more than a year ago, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 35-P of 11/14/2019:

1. To recognize the second paragraph of Article 42 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and part 1 of Article 8.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation as not contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation, since the provisions contained in them - in their constitutional and legal meaning in the system of current legal regulation - do not imply bringing to administrative responsibility, provided for in Part 1 of Article 8.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the owner of the land plot with the type of permitted use - for running a personal subsidiary farm and living quarters located on this land plot in cases where a religious organization is provided with the opportunity to perform services in this residential building, other religious rites and ceremonies also use hell!res of this dwelling as the address of a religious organization and do not allow such use of this dwelling by a religious organization when it, having actually lost the characteristics of a dwelling, acquires the characteristics of a religious building or an administrative (office) building of a religious organization.

2. The constitutional and legal meaning of the second paragraph of Article 42 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and part 1 of Article 8.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, identified in this Resolution, is generally binding, which excludes any other interpretation of them in law enforcement practice ...

4. This Resolution is final, not subject to appeal, enters into force immediately after its announcement, acts directly and does not require confirmation by other bodies and officials. "

But on 12.24.2020 in the Krasnodar Territory, by a decree of the chief state inspector in Bryukhovetsky and Kanevsky districts for the use and protection of land, A.V. Perederiy was brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Article 8.8 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation Nikolai Grigorievich Koshavka and he was given an administrative penalty in the form a fine in the amount of RUB 10,000.

According to the above resolution, the land plot belonging to him, located at the address: Krasnodar Territory, Kanevsky District, Art. Kanevskaya, st. Field 33a, is used not for its intended purpose, namely for organizing church activities.

The brother did not agree with the above reasons and explained: “On the land plot at the above address, there is an individual residential house that belongs to me, in which I permanently live with my family. Consequently, the residential building and the land plot on which this house is located are used for its intended purpose, namely, for the residence of a family (9 children). The fact that divine services are held in my house and there is a signboard “House of Prayer” cannot be the basis for recognizing it as a religious building with a change in the permitted type of use of the land plot, and also does not give the residential building any other or additional status. In addition, the transfer of my dwelling house to a non-residential fund for the purpose of carrying out religious activities is prohibited by the current legislation (clause 3.2 of article 22 of the RF LC). "

The exercise of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, enshrined in Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, goes beyond the scope of private life and is associated with other human and civil rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, primarily with the right to association, as well as the right to freedom of assembly , which, as indicated by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 12-P of 05/18/2012, is one of the fundamental and inalienable elements of the legal status of an individual.

Despite all this, the Kanevskiy District Court, having considered the case No. 12-12 / 2021 on January 28, 2021, left the decision of the Rosreestr Office unchanged, and the complaint filed by Nikolai Grigorievich Koshavka was dismissed.

The brother filed an appeal with the Krasnodar Regional Court and asks to pray and petition for the cancellation of Resolution No. 23-21.32 issued by the Chief State Inspector in Bryukhovetsky and Kanevsky Districts on the use and protection of lands, as well as the decision of the Kanevsky District Court.

Address for applications:

Krasnodar Regional Court

st. Krasnaya, 10, Krasnodar, 350063, Russia
================================================== ===========================


No. 3, 21 February 2021

Dear brothers and sisters, more than a year ago, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 35-P of 11/14/2019:

1. To recognize the second paragraph of article 42 of the Land code of the Russian Federation and part 1 of article 8.8 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation not to violate the Constitution of the Russian Federation, since their provisions - in its constitutional sense in the current system of regulation is not envisage bringing to administrative responsibility under part 1 of article 8.8 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation, the owner of the land with the permitted use - for the conduct of personal subsidiary farming and residential premises located on this land plot, in cases where a religious organization is given the opportunity to perform divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies in this residential premises, as well as to use hell! res of this residential premises as the address of a religious organization and do not allow such use of this residential premises by a religious organization when it, having actually lost the signs of residential, acquires the characteristics of a religious premises or administrative (service) premises of a religious organization.

2. The constitutional and legal meaning of the second paragraph of Article 42 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and part 1 of Article 8.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, identified in this Resolution, is generally binding, which excludes any other interpretation in law enforcement practice…

4. This Resolution is final, not subject to appeal, enters into force immediately after the proclamation, acts directly and does not require confirmation by other bodies and officials."

But on 24.12.2020 in the Krasnodar Territory, by the decision of the chief state inspector in the Bryukhovetsky and Kanevsky districts for the use and protection of land, Perederiy A.V. was brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of art.8.8 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Koshavka Nikolay Grigoryevich and he was sentenced to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

Pursuant to the above decision, he owns the land, located at: Krasnodar Krai, Kanevskaya district, art Kanevskaya, street 33a, is used for other purposes, namely for Church activities.

With the above arguments, the brother did not agree and explained: "On the land plot at the above address, there is an individual residential building belonging to me, in which I permanently live together with my family. Therefore, the residential building and the land plot on which this house is located are used for their intended purpose, namely, for the residence of a family (9 children). The fact that services are held in my house and there is a sign "House of Prayer" can not be a reason for recognizing it as a religious building with a change in the permitted use of the land plot, and also does not give the residential house any other or additional status. In addition, the translation I owned residential building in uninhabited Fund for the purpose of conducting religious activity prohibited by applicable law (p.3.2 article 22 of the housing code)".

The realization of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion enshrined in article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is beyond the scope of private life and is associated with other human rights and citizen enshrined in the Constitution, notably the right to Association and freedom of Assembly, which, as pointed out by the constitutional court of the Russian Federation in Decree No. 12-P dated 18.05.2012, is a fundamental and integral aspect of the legal status of the individual.

Despite all this, the Kanevsky District Court, having considered the case No. 12-12/2021 on 28.01.2021, left the decision of the Rosreestr Department unchanged, and the complaint filed by Koshchavka Nikolay Grigoryevich, without satisfaction.

Brother filed the Krasnodar regional court of appeal and asked to pray and intercede for cancellation No. 23-21.32, made the chief state inspector in Briukhovychi and Kanev district for the use and protection of lands, as well as decisions Kanevsky district court.

Address for petitions:

Krasnodar Regional Court

10 Krasnaya Str., Krasnodar, 350063, Russia


Please pray for the persecuted family.[/QUOTE]


Active Member
When I was a child, I was asked to write letters to certain families in the USSR. I was told that families that got mail from the USA were treated better. Is this still true? Would cards or letters to the family help them? I was told that it did not matter if the letters were in English.


When I was a child, I was asked to write letters to certain families in the USSR. I was told that families that got mail from the USA were treated better. Is this still true? Would cards or letters to the family help them? I was told that it did not matter if the letters were in English.
Modern Russia, it is still not the USSR and there are no such persecutions as in the USSR now. This can rather be classified as pressure on the Church in general and on Christians in particular.
Your letters today, I think, will be more of a spiritual and moral support, but it is difficult to say about the persecutors. Maybe someone will be ashamed and they will stop violating the laws of their own state and stop robbing Christians.

Thank you for your participation.


Active Member
Modern Russia, it is still not the USSR and there are no such persecutions as in the USSR now. This can rather be classified as pressure on the Church in general and on Christians in particular.
Your letters today, I think, will be more of a spiritual and moral support, but it is difficult to say about the persecutors. Maybe someone will be ashamed and they will stop violating the laws of their own state and stop robbing Christians.

Thank you for your participation.

Thank you for explaining. I know things changed. I do not know which things changed, though.