I am not aware of any.
Now, if you want to address Scripture that states that it is just to punish men, who inherited Adam's predilection for ( love for and bias towards ) sin, then we can fill pages.
But why do that?
All we really need to do is read the book of Romans for that.
For example:
"There is none righteous, no not one".
Why is there none righteous?
See Romans 5:12.
To me your statement assumes that there are men that are innocent of sin ( which I may not be reading correctly )...
Which there are none.
God punishes men for sins, not for Adam's sin, specifically.
Therefore, if a "Calvinist" states that God judiciously punishes men for "Original Sin", then I would have to disagree.
No, I do not assume men are innocent (quite the contrary).
I want to clarify something, brother, because I think we are starting to talk past one another. I agree with the conclusions of TULIP. I just do not agree with the way Calvinists get there (I believe those presuppositions are wrong).
I agree with the passage you present (and really, with any you can present because what I reject of Calvinism is it's presuppositions, not the Scripture Calvinism uses).
I agree with Total Depravity. I agree that men are not righteous and are, in fact, totally depraved when it comes to salvation. That is why we need a Savior.
I agree with Unconditional Election. I agree that God elected men without condition on the part of men (nothing in men influenced God to elect them)
I agree with Limited Atonement. I agree that Christ died to save the Bride, the Church, those who believe and that God put in His hand.
I agree with Irresistible Grace. I agree that God's will is going to be done despite the will of men, that God's grace will win in the lives of the elect.
I agree with the Preservation of the Saints. I agree in the eternal security of the believer.
I agree with "Double Predestination". I agree that both those who are saved and those who will be damned are predestined for those states.
And I agree that we are living in the best of all possible worlds in accordance of God's plan because God is in sovereign and is working out everything for the good (everything will glorify God).
I just do not get there through Calvinism. I do not agree with the things that Calvinism presupposes (things that are not in the Bible). I believe the philosophy involved at the foundation of Calvinism is wrong, but I know it is most often presupposed and rarely addressed. Calvinists just tend to toss up passages without ever addressing these presuppositions.
What needs to be addressed with punishment is whether or not there is a passage that states an innocent man can be justly punished for the sins (with the punishment for those sins, i.e., as if that man were the sinner) of a guilty man. I am not talking about Adam or original sin.
I am simply asking for a verse that says it is just to condemn an innocent man to acquit a guilty man by punishing the innocent for the sins of the guilty. I accept an innocent man may be punished for a guilty man, but am asking if he can be "condemned" or treated as if he had committed that crime. (Aquinas' philosophy vs Calvin's philosophy concerning punishment).