Well-Known Member
This is an important review by Mr. Bennett. You can google the encyclical if you would rather read that first. I pulled up the document and fact checked Bennett's comments.
I would like to believe that the papacy is going to go no where with this. Sadly, I think I might be playing wishful thinking. I hope I am wrong.
I would like to believe that the papacy is going to go no where with this. Sadly, I think I might be playing wishful thinking. I hope I am wrong.
Dear Friend,
The Pope’s latest encyclical can read like an ideological bombshell. However, when we study papal history with its obsession for global power, it is not so shocking. The Pa-pacy has an agenda for the United Nations, economic institutions, and international fi-nance organizations. The Pope has called for the crafting of a new governmental body above these groups and intends that the new body be equipped with enforcement power on a startling scale. Much more sobering is the detailed body of Roman Catholic social doctrine on which the encyclical is built and which the Papacy is in the process of insti-tuting secularly.
These documents need to be analyzed and rejected before nations and peoples unwittingly concede both temporal and religious control to the Vatican. We have outlined the heart of the major tactics found in the body of Roman Catholic social doctrine, which includes the Pope’s latest encyclical. Our article is called; “The Pope’s Plans on Organizing Political, Economic, and Religious Activities Worldwide.” We consider this to be one of the more important analyzes we have done. I ask therefore that you forward the article to many Christians who need to take heed. I request also, if possible, that you post it on your Website or blog. The article is below.
Trusting in the Lord’s grace and mighty power,
Richard Bennett