I have an update regarding the 1st Season Episode 5 section that is regarding the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus turns the water into the best wine.
The section of this video which has a major misleading of scriptures, giving the viewer a "false impression" on the importance of Jesus Mother, Mary.
Here is the Link:
Start at the :46 second of the minute section of the video until the 1:51 minute. This is where Mary informs Jesus the wine is gone, and is pleading that something most be done. They have taken "artistic freedoms" in "adding" to the scriptures, and Jesus informs her, "my time has not yet come". Yet the scriptures state this:
Joh 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
Joh 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
Joh 2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.
As you watch the video, she pleads with Jesus to do as she ask's so the family having the wedding will not be humiliated. Jesus can be seen as "giving in" to her pleading, which is NOT what the scriptures intimate too.
When one reads the scriptures one can plainly see that Jesus informs her, that He only works a miracle at the Will of the Father, not my anyone else, even His Mother. However the film does NOT portray this, they make it as if Jesus gives into His Mother's pleas which is outright a Major falsehood. Why, you may ask?
How they are portraying this scene is according to the Catholic view, of the "Holy Mother of Mary" who intercedes on behalf of the people to influence Jesus in answering Her prayers!
Here is a direct quote from the "" website, which describes EXACTLY what is taking place in this scene in the video!
"The simple answer is that Mary’s intercession is more powerful than anybody else’s, but that just pushes the question back a step. If she is such a powerful intercessor, why is that so? Why are her prayers more effective than those of any other saint? There are a few ways we can approach this issue, but I want to focus on just one: Mary is our queen, and the Bible teaches that our king, Jesus, won’t refuse her."
We do realize that this "Mary is our Queen" beliefism is actually a pagan goddess.
Here is a quote from the website: Paganism and Mary | Paganism and Catholicism
"Catholicism has declared Mary the sinless queen of heaven. This is not Biblical doctrine, but instead reflects pagan goddess worship."
Here is a link to an interview that took place with Jonathan Roumie interviewed by Andy Steiger's utube channel where he explains the Catholic position on this scene form "The Chosen"! It is proof that this is inserting major doctrinal heresy into this series.
Start at the 26:10 minute of the video, it ends around 29:43.
Also Jonathan Roumie, describes how he "prepare's" for this role, in essence he is channeling, which is "demonic". That starts at the 32:00 minute sequence and ends about the 35:00 minute sequence. In another video where he is interviewed he actually uses the word "Channeling", I will try and locate that one also. "Channeling" is a New Age method by actor/actress to get in touch with spiritual "energy" or angels.....this is witchcraft.
So how can this "series" be taken seriously as presenting the One True Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, when they are inserting "pagan ideals" and Idolatry within the Gospel?
What are your thoughts concerning this?
The Lord bless you...
In His Love.....