Jesus is GOD. It is not because everybody saying it or believing in it, but because Jesus was not created as we are created IN THE IMAGE GOD, but Jesus was created AS THE IMAGE OF GOD, and because of it He is GOD as His Father GOD.
Acts 2.22-24
22. Men of Israel, listen to these words. Jesus the Nazarene, a Man attested to you by GOD (a Man Whose divine authority was clearly proven to you by all the miracles. GNB) with miracles and wonders and signs which GOD performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know,
Everything what Jesus ever said, conducted, or performed have been done THROUGH HIM by the power and will of His Father.
23. this Man delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of GOD, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.
It is not was Jesus' plan to be nailed to the cross, but it was "predetermined plan and foreknowledge," of His Father GOD. Jesus only fulfills and execute the will of His Father as He always does.
24. And GOD raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death,
Jesus did not resurrect Himself, but it was GOD His Father Who resurrected Jesus from the dead and gave Him power over the agony of death.
since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.
For Jesus alone is impossible to do anything without the power of His Father, without power of His Father Jesus is powerless.
Jesus numerous times said Himself that He did not came on His own accord but was sent by His Father. Jesus numerous times declared that He do not speak and teach from Himself but whatever His Father told Him to say He speaks.
Whoever believes in Jesus believes in His Father, and whoever follows Jesus follows His Father, and whoever saved by Jesus actually saved by the Father through Jesus.
As I mentioned before, GOD Father and His Son Jesus Are One, and whoever joins Them became as one with Them.
Without Father GOD will be no Jesus and without power of GOD Jesus will be powerless. Jesus do not have power on His own, but all the power comes from His Father.
Despite the fact that Peter was a humble, simple, and sometimes even naive man, fishermen, most likely uneducated in anything, but under influence of the Holy Spirit he understood great mysteries of Jesus Christ what revealed in these passages.
Many people have Bible, the Bible in which recorded many great secrets of GOD, His Kingdom, and entire world, unsurprised wisdom and knowledge, and still, 2000 years later many still do not understand, misunderstand, and misinterpret verses of the Bible. Many have Bible but still do not understand it, which is shame and disgrace for all who call themselves "Christians."
It seems to me that GOD opens His secret for simple, shy, insignificant, and "small" people like Peter was, on him GOD built His Church, and not reveal His secrets to educated, wise, and smart.
Luke 10.21
21. At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit and said, 'I praise You O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that You hide these things from the wise and intelligent, and reveal them to babes. Yes Father, it was well-pleased in Your sight. (KSB).
Acts 2.22-24
22. Men of Israel, listen to these words. Jesus the Nazarene, a Man attested to you by GOD (a Man Whose divine authority was clearly proven to you by all the miracles. GNB) with miracles and wonders and signs which GOD performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know,
Everything what Jesus ever said, conducted, or performed have been done THROUGH HIM by the power and will of His Father.
23. this Man delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of GOD, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.
It is not was Jesus' plan to be nailed to the cross, but it was "predetermined plan and foreknowledge," of His Father GOD. Jesus only fulfills and execute the will of His Father as He always does.
24. And GOD raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death,
Jesus did not resurrect Himself, but it was GOD His Father Who resurrected Jesus from the dead and gave Him power over the agony of death.
since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.
For Jesus alone is impossible to do anything without the power of His Father, without power of His Father Jesus is powerless.
Jesus numerous times said Himself that He did not came on His own accord but was sent by His Father. Jesus numerous times declared that He do not speak and teach from Himself but whatever His Father told Him to say He speaks.
Whoever believes in Jesus believes in His Father, and whoever follows Jesus follows His Father, and whoever saved by Jesus actually saved by the Father through Jesus.
As I mentioned before, GOD Father and His Son Jesus Are One, and whoever joins Them became as one with Them.
Without Father GOD will be no Jesus and without power of GOD Jesus will be powerless. Jesus do not have power on His own, but all the power comes from His Father.
Despite the fact that Peter was a humble, simple, and sometimes even naive man, fishermen, most likely uneducated in anything, but under influence of the Holy Spirit he understood great mysteries of Jesus Christ what revealed in these passages.
Many people have Bible, the Bible in which recorded many great secrets of GOD, His Kingdom, and entire world, unsurprised wisdom and knowledge, and still, 2000 years later many still do not understand, misunderstand, and misinterpret verses of the Bible. Many have Bible but still do not understand it, which is shame and disgrace for all who call themselves "Christians."
It seems to me that GOD opens His secret for simple, shy, insignificant, and "small" people like Peter was, on him GOD built His Church, and not reveal His secrets to educated, wise, and smart.
Luke 10.21
21. At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit and said, 'I praise You O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that You hide these things from the wise and intelligent, and reveal them to babes. Yes Father, it was well-pleased in Your sight. (KSB).