So, every one of them, even the earliest Christians and Fathers who were closest in time to the apostles all got what the apostles taught wrong. And every Christian or group of Christians got it wrong until the Catholic Anselm somehow discovered Satisfaction in the scriptures 1000 years afterward, and 500 years later the legalist Magisterial Reformer Calvin discovered Penal Substitution there. So, nobody had the truth of the atonement until 1000 - 1500 years after the apostles. So, those who lived closest to the time of the apostles such as Clement, or Ignatius who was a contemporary of the apostles -- none of them got the atonement right, but somebody 1000 years later who saw God as a feudal lord got it right, and then 500 years later Anselm's part-spiritual cousin Calvin, who saw God as a stern judge handing out legal sentences, got it right. Yeah, that's perfectly logical. The contemporaries of the apostles and the church for the first 1000 years, which held to Ransom/Christus Victor/ Recapitulation, got that all wrong, and had to be corrected 1000 - 1500 years after the fact by a Roman Catholic and a Calvinist. Yep, makes perfect sense to me. What could I have been thinking. Those poor fools in the first millennium!