I was taking up for you here. When I make an opinion about my country, its founders, or anything, I will back it up with some data from history, or I will simply state it is my opinion. I do not, however, like you did, make up some phony number out of the air, and pass it off as fact. You are the one who did that. For example, when I state that we were not founded on Christian principles, I will point to the fact that our founders legalized and profited on the abomination which was slavery. I don't need a poll for that. It is pretty evident right there in the Original form of the Constitution. You, on the other hand, made up a phony number out of the air, and passed it off as fact:
Perhaps, but 90+ percent of them want Israel to disappear and resent our involvement with Israel.
Bunyon's phony data
When you were asked to back up your assertion, you got upset. That is because all you have is hate and prejudice to back it up with.
Joseph Botwinick