Bob Colgan
New Member
What gets me is so many Christians seem to think this is the greatest book in the world.
It's like if it wasen't for this book Christianity would be finished as we know it. Like I said earlier every so often some new fad, program, book, some new method comes along and Christians flock to it. Many mens groups have been studying the book "wild at heart." Another piece of trash satan has used to get us of the path of His Holy Word. Next month next year there will be another book programe and it to will be worshiped by the New Evangelical crowed the same people that push PDL.
Very sad and very very dangerous.
Bob C
It's like if it wasen't for this book Christianity would be finished as we know it. Like I said earlier every so often some new fad, program, book, some new method comes along and Christians flock to it. Many mens groups have been studying the book "wild at heart." Another piece of trash satan has used to get us of the path of His Holy Word. Next month next year there will be another book programe and it to will be worshiped by the New Evangelical crowed the same people that push PDL.
Very sad and very very dangerous.
Bob C