Adam (Genesis 1:26-31, 2:7,8,15-25) is the 'first man' (1 Corinthians 15:45,47; Luk 3:38), who was 'made' 'in the beginning' (Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6), and he was made in the 6th day before the 7th Day (Mark 2:27). 'All the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years' (Genesis 5:5). We do not know the exact age when Adam had Cain and Abel, but we are given the age of Adam when he had Seth, being at 130 years old (Genesis 5:3) who came after Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:25).
Beginning with Adam, using AM (Anno Mundi; Latin for Year of the World):
0000 - 0000 -
Adam (930) + 130 (
Seth; Gen. 5:4; Luk 3:38) + 800 (died; Gen 5:4)
0000 - ???? -
Cain (??? born) (??? died; Rom 6:3; Heb 9:27)
0000 - ???? -
Abel (??? born) (??? died; Gen 4:8)
0000 - 0130 -
Seth (912) (Gen 4:25; Luk 3:38) + 105 (
Enos; Gen 5:5; Luk 3:38) + 807 (died; Gen 5:8)
0000 - ???? -
wife of Cain, daughter of Adam/Eve (??? born; Gen 5:4) (??? died; Rom 6:3; Heb 9:27)
0130 - 0235 -
Enos (905) (Gen 4:26; Luk 3:38) + 90 (
Cainan; Gen 5:9; Luk 3:37) + 815 (died; Gen 5:11)
0235 - 0325 -
Cainan (910) (Gen 5:9; Luk 3:37) + 70 (
Mahalaleel; Gen 5:12; Luk 3:37) + 840 (died; Gen 5:14)
0325 - 0395 -
Mahalaleel (895) (Gen 5:12; Luk 3:37) + 65 (
Jared; Gen 5:15; Luk 3:37) + 830 (died; Gen 5:16)
0395 - 0460 -
Jared (962) (Gen 5:15; Luk 3:37) + 162 (
Enoch; Gen 55:18; Luk 3:37) + 800 (died; Gen 5:20)
0460 - 0622 -
Enoch (365) (Gen 5:18; Luk 3:37) + 65 (
Methuselah; Gen 5:21; Luk 3:37) + 300 (trans.; Gen. 5:24)
0622 - 0687 -
Methuselah (969) (Gen 5:21; Luk 3:37) + 187 (
Lamech; Gen 5:25; Luk 3:36) + 782 (died; Gen 5:27)
0687 - 0874 -
Lamech (777) (Gen 5:25; Luk 3:36) + 182 (
Noah; Gen 5:28,29; Luk 3:36) + 595 (died; Gen 5:31)
0874 - 1056 -
Noah (950) (Gen 5:28,29; Luk 3:36) + 500 (Gen 5:32) + 100 (Gen 7:6,11) + 350 (died; Gen 9:28,29)
1056 - 1656 -
Flood (600th year of Noah's life; 2nd month; 17th day; Gen 7:6,11)
Flood – Year (AM 1656; or 600th year of Noah's life), Month (2nd), Day (17th) Gen 7:6,11.
1656 - 1657 –
Flood (AM 1656, 2nd, 17th + 40 days/nights (Gen 7:12,17) + 150 days (Gen 7:24, 8:3) = Ark resting on Mts. Of Ararat (Gen 8:4; AM 1656, 7th, 17th) + water decreases 73-75 days (Gen 8:5; exclusive-inclusive; 30 day months; AM 1656, 10th, 1st) + 40 days, Noah opens window (Gen 8:6; AM 1656, 11th, 11th) + 35 days (calculated) waiting for Raven, sends Dove (Gen 8:7,8) + 7 days wait (Gen 8:10) + 7 more days wait (Gen 8:12) = 601st, 1st, 1st (Gen 8:13) wherein Noah removes covering, and waits + 56-57 days (exclusive-inclusive) until = 601st, 2nd, 27th = AM 1657 2nd, 27th (Gen 8:14-16)
when Noah leaves the Ark.
Noah was 600 Years old when the Flood came, and he was 601 when he left the Ark. We have texts which shows that Noah had three sons (Gen 5:32, 6:10) sometime at and after the 500th year of his life, and before the 600th year of his life (when the flood came). Therefore, we have a 100 year time span in which Noah had Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Japheth is the oldest, as he is listed first in giving of the lineage (Gen 10:2-5), afterward came Ham (Gen 10:6-20) and finally Shem (Gen 10:21), and the other passages are given in reverse order. How old then was Noah when Shem was born, since that is through whom the genealogy continues in Luk 3:36?
Genesis 11:10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:
This places the birth of Arphaxad, in the year 1656 + 1 year (flood; 370 ish days) + 2 (years
after the flood) = AM 1659.
This places Shem at 100 in the year AM 1659.
This places Shem at 99 in the year AM 1658.
This places Shem at 98 in the year AM 1657 (end of the flood).
This places Shem at 97 in the year AM 1656 (year of the flood).
This places Shem at birth in the year AM 1559.
This would place Ham at birth in the year AM 1557/8 (501st - 502nd year of Noah).
This would place Japheth at birth in the year AM 1556 (500th year of Noah; 1056 + 500).
Break, beginning with Noah:
0874 - 1056 -
Noah (950) (Gen 5:28,29; Luk 3:36) + 500 (Gen 5:32) + 100 (Gen 7:6,11; +3,
Shem; Gen 11:10, +97) + 350 (died; Gen 9:28,29)
1056 - 1559 -
Shem (600) (Gen 5:32, 7:6,11, 11:10) + 100 (
Arphaxad; Gen 11:10; Luk 3:36) + 500 (died; Gen 11:11)
1559 - 1659 -
Arphaxad (438) (Gen 11:10; Luk 3:36) + 35 (
Salah; Gen 11:12; Luk 3:35) + 403 (died; Gen 11:13)
???? - ???? - Cainan (Luk 3:35) (several possibilities, none of which are error, or scribal error, *)
1659 - 1694 -
Salah (433) (Gen 11:12; Luk 3:35) + 30 (
Eber; Gen 11:14; Luk 3:35) + 403 (died; Gen 11:15)
1694 - 1724 -
Eber (464) (Gen 11:14; Luk 3:35) + 34 (
Peleg; Gen 11:16; Luk 3:35) + 430 (died; Gen 11:17)
1724 - 1758 -
Peleg (239) (Gen 11:16; Luk 3:35) + 30 (
Reu; Gen 11:18; Luk 3:35) + 209 (died; Gen 11:19)
1758 - 1788 -
Reu (239) (Gen 11:18; Luk 3:35) + 32 (
Serug; Gen 11:20; Luk 3:35) + 207 (died; Gen 11:21)
1788 - 1820 -
Serug (230) (Gen 11:20; Luk 3:35) + 30 (
Nahor; Gen 11:22; Luk 3:34) + 200 (died; Gen 11:23)
1820 - 1850 -
Nahor (148) (Gen 11:22; Luk 3:34) + 29 (
Terah; Gen 11:24; Luk 3:34) + 119 (died; Gen 11:25)
1850 - 1879 -
Terah (205) (Gen 11:24; Luk 3:34) + 130 (
Abram; Gen 11:32, 12:4; Acts 7:2-4) + 75 (died; Gen 11:32)
In the text of Genesis 11:26, we read:
Genesis 11:26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
This text, is like unto Genesis 11:10, in that it is not saying that Abraham was born in the 70th year of Terah, for we know this by comparing text with text in scripture. For instance:
Genesis 11:31And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.
Genesis 11:32 And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran.
Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
Genesis 12:4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.
This is repeated in Acts 7:
Acts 7:2 And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran,
Acts 7:3 And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee.
Acts 7:4 Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell.
Combining Genesis 11:32, with Genesis 12:4, with Acts 7:4, we come to understand that Abram was 75 years old when Terah died at 205. This would place the birth of Abram at 130th year of Terah. If we use a similar approach here, as that of Shem, Ham and Japheth, then it is likely that Haran was the firstborn, and first to die young (Gen 11:28), as it mentions no wives of his, and then the second would be Nahor, followed by Abram, who both take wives after the death of their elder brother Haran (Gen 11:29) in Ur of the Chaldees. of the Earth.pdf