Wrong. I've simply said that in nearly 40 years of public service, she's never been charged with or found guilty of anything.
And neither has he, as far as this issue is concerned.
He is a rapist. And your attempt to use the above to question why I still say he is a rapist doesn't hold water because I never said she wasn't a criminal.
But you have defended her against people who would call her a murderer by pointing out that she's never been convicted. Same thing.
Umm, the lot of you have been quite good at saying what you think Obama is and what you think Hillary is. So why the sudden disdain just because I've pointed out that Trump is a rapist?
"The lot of you" groups me in with others. I challenge you to find one post where I've said anything bad about President Obama or Hillary Clinton. You won't find one. What you will find, however, is around the end of 2011 having almost a whole thread telling people that they need to stop using names like "Obummer" and "The Zero" to describe President Obama, as that is unchristian and disrespectful to the office.
You're a bit confused. I don't have to call her anything but Hillary Clinton.
No one's forcing you to, just calling you out on your hypocrisy.
Him I will call a rapist and a sexual predator because that's what he is.
You have proof? You have a conviction? You have even a charge that hasn't been dropped?
So if you want to go back and call out everyone on here who has ever called Bill Clinton a rapist or said that he raped Juanita Broaddrick, or who has said that Hillary is a murderer, please do.
Wow, whine much? "They did it, too!"
Otherwise, in your own words, be square. If you're gonna come at me sideways for calling Trump a rapist even though there's been no conviction, it might have helped your case if in the past you had said the same to the Clinton accusers.
Hmmm, well, since I have, consider my case helped.
As there exists this wee bit of hypocrisy in your stance,
There doesn't.
I'm good and will stand by what I said.
Never expected you to do any other thing. But, since I've called out people on Hillary Clinton, I would be hypocritical to not call you out on Trump.
He is a rapist. He and Epstein raped a 13 year old girl.
Again, proof? Conviction?
The sad thing is that the Holy Spirit has delivered that y'all know, just as well as you know he is a proven sexual predator.
You're ability to get inside the mind of God is amazing. To know what He has revealed to people, and know their motivations better than they know themselves could be useful.
And how any man with a wife, daughter, niece etc can pretend like there is any question as to whether or not they raped that girl is just as disgusting in my book as he is.
Pretend like there's any question? No. You've got it backwards. It's almost certain it didn't happen. There's barely any question of whether it happened or not.
Powerful men have been getting away with this type of thing for too long. And leaving victims in their trail.
I agree. But that doesn't mean he did.
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Since I've disagreed with almost everything else in this post, I might as well disagree with where you sent this from!